China formulating plan to improve biodiversity conservation

Xi stresses sci-tech modernization, innovation

International conference addresses cultural object restitution from colonial contexts

Heritage protection, inheritance stressed as relics exhibition opens in Liaoning

Travel surge continues as festival spurs demand

China formulating plan to improve biodiversity conservation

China is formulating a plan for implementing major biodiversity conservation projects, with the country considering this an undertaking of great importance. READ MORE >>>>

Xi stresses sci-tech modernization, innovation

on Monday underscored the importance of sci-tech modernization and innovation in pursuing Chinese modernization and high-quality development. READ MORE >>>>

International conference addresses cultural object restitution from colonial contexts

The 2nd council meeting of the Alliance for Cultural Heritage in Asia hosted the International Conference on the Protection and Return of Cultural Objects Removed from Colonial Contexts in Qingdao, Shandong province, drawing over 150 delegates from 27 countries and two international organizations. READ MORE >>>>

Heritage protection, inheritance stressed as relics exhibition opens in Liaoning

A key exhibition, The Light of Civilization: Hongshan, Liangzhu and Chinese Civilization, officially kicked off on Saturday in Shenyang, the capital of Liaoning province, to celebrate China's Cultural and Natural Heritage Day. READ MORE >>>>

Travel surge continues as festival spurs demand

Dragon Boat Festival, which in 2009 became the first Chinese holiday inscribed on UNESCO's Intangible Cultural Heritage list, concluded with traditional festivities that added vibrancy to popular tourist destinations. READ MORE >>>>

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07-26Historical town's charm reveals port's resilience

Strolling through the old town of Shantou, an area known as the Small Park historical area, one can almost hear history speaking.