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The “Park City Index” was proposed at the 2022 Green Development International Science and Technology Innovation Conference (1)

2022-07-25 | UPSC

On the morning of July 6, 2022, the 2022 Green Development International Science and Technology Innovation Conference sponsored by the China Association for Science and Technology, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, and the People's Government of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region was held online. With the theme of “Green and Low-Carbon Cooperation and Sharing”, the conference includes a plenary session and five thematic forums. Yang Baojun, the Chief Economist of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, delivered a speech at the opening ceremony on behalf of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development. Yang pointed out that green and low-carbon development was about the harmonious coexistence of humans and nature, which is the trend and the general trend. Achieving carbon peaking and carbon neutrality is a solemn commitment my country has made to the world. The urban and rural construction field is one of the four key areas for carbon peaking and carbon neutrality.

In February 2018, Chinese president Xi Jinping first proposed the concept of "Park City" when he inspected Tianfu New Area. This is a universal requirement put forward by Xi for the current state of urban development in my country, and it is a new model and new road for urban construction in the era of ecological civilization. Under the guidance of this ideology, the "Park City Index" jointly compiled by the Urban Planning Society of China and Sichuan Tianfu New District has implemented the "central requirements for the comprehensive construction of a park city demonstration area that implements the new development concept". It is also a measure of urban transformation and development.

At the conference, Duan Jin, Vice Chairman of Urban Planning Society of China, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Professor of Southeast University released the world's first "Park City Index". Professor Duan Jin introduced the significance, innovative methods, and research results of the research on the Park City Index in general. He pointed out that the Park City Index, as a series of technical service brands of "Science and Innovation China", is led by the Urban Planning Society of China, with Chengdu, Sichuan Tianfu New District as the base, and the Park City Index Research Center as the platform. Through continuous in-depth research and functional iteration, an urban development index with contemporary value and extensive influence will be constructed.

Professor Duan Jin gave a general introduction to the "target-domain-index" framework of the Park City Index. He emphasized that the value pursuit of the Park City Index is not to establish a new and unconventional ranking system, but to provide a set of more moderate and inclusive new public technology products and systematic, operable and innovative solutions for the sustainable development of cities in China and the world. The research on the Park City Index does not do simple index stacking, but focuses on the actual implementation of the trend of the times and new concepts, reflecting the needs and effects of urban transformation and development from various new perspectives such as the concept of big security, biodiversity, high-quality development, cultural soft power, and urban governance.

Duan Jin pointed out that the research field of the Park City Index is not limited to urban planning and construction, but to guide and evaluate urban development in an all-around way. The selection of the index needs to be recognized, representative and feasible. At the same time, these indicators are also comprehensible, perceivable, and able to participate in the public. The index evaluation result is not a simple difference ranking, but is integrated into the ideal goal of urban development by means of ideal value normalization and comprehensive evaluation, and the valuable guidance of the index is better reflected in the score. In the end, through the third-party evaluation, it will form recommendations for the government, guide the city to pay attention to its shortcomings and weak links, promote local development, and improve people's happiness.

                                           Edited and translated by Wang Miao 

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