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China City Planning Review Holds Seminar on Editing and Publishing

2022-04-15 | CCPR Editorial Department

On Apr. 12, 2022, the Seminar on the Editing and Publishing of China City Planning Review (hereinafter referred to as CCPR) was held online. The meeting was chaired by Liu Jian, Professor of School of Architecture, Tsinghua University, and Managing Chief Editor & Director of Editorial Department of CCPR. Representatives from different departments and institutions including Shi Nan, Executive Vice President and Secretary General of Urban Planning Society of China (UPSC) and Associate Chief Editor of CCPR; Zhuang Weimin, Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering, Professor of School of Architecture, Tsinghua University, Chief Editor (Designate) of CCPR; Chen He, Director of Journal Publishing Center of Tsinghua University Press; Zhang Li, Dean of School of Architecture, Tsinghua University; Zhang Yue, Secretary of the Party Committee of School of Architecture, Tsinghua University; Yang Xudong, Deputy Director of School of Architecture, Tsinghua University; Pan Fang, Secretary of Party Branch of Beijing Tsinghua Tongheng Urban Planning & Design Institute; Mao Qizhi, Professor of School of Architecture, Tsinghua University and Associate Chief Editor of CCPR; Chen Yan, member of Secretariat of UPSC; Liang Sisi, Associate Professor of School of Architecture, Tsinghua University and Editor-in-Charge of CCPR; and members of CCPR Editorial Department attended the meeting. The participants listened to the report on CCPR's application for change of the publisher and Chief Editor, fully affirmed the important role of CCPR in promoting the international development of China's urban and rural planning, deeply recognized the great challenges faced by the development of the journal under the changing international situation, and discussed how to further strengthen the cooperation among various parties and continuously expand the academic influence and international influence of CCPR in the future.

At the meeting, Shi Nan, Executive Vice President and Secretary General of UPSC and Associate Chief Editor of CCPR, firstly reviewed the history and development process of CCPR and its profound influence and remarkable achievements at different stages, and emphasized the important value and position of CCPR as the English journal of the UPSC in the past, present, and future. He also expressed his heartfelt thanks to the School of Architecture of Tsinghua University and Beijing Tsinghua Tongheng Urban Planning & Design Institute. He informed the results of the CCPR's application for change of the publisher, and announced that according to the meeting of Chief Editors of CCPR, Academician Zhuang Weimin was recommended to be the new Chief Editor of CCPR. He concluded his speech by stating that the UPSC would continue to fully support CCPR and hoped to maintain close cooperation with Tsinghua University; and regarding that CCPR will celebrate its 40th anniversary in 2025, it is expected that CCPR, with the strong support from all parties concerned, will be able to provide better performance to readers from home and abroad.

In his speech, CCPR's new Chief Editor (Designate), Zhuang Weimin, Academcian of Chinese Academy of Engineering and Professor of School of Architecture, Tsinghua University, firstly thanked the UPSC and the Chief Editors of CCPR for their trust, and said that he would strive to lead the Editorial Board and the Editorial Department in related work. He pointed out that in the current international situation where globalization is weakening and the East and West are becoming more and more divided, as well as in the context of the challenges for the transformation of the planning discipline, how CCPR can adjust its international positioning and highlight its values and style is the primary issue to be considered and clarified in the future work, so he required the Editorial Department to listen to suggestions and opinions from various parties in this regard.

Chen He, Director of Journal Publishing Center of Tsinghua University Press, indicated in his speech that CCPR is a unique academic journal worthy of further international promotion, and Tsinghua University Press will provide the necessary support to assist CCPR to make a breakthrough in expanding international circulation and enhancing international influence. Prof. Zhang Yue, Secretary of the Party Committee of School of Architecture, Tsinghua University, pointed out that CCPR is an important carrier for long-term cooperation between the planning discipline of Tsinghua University and the UPSC, and after Academician Zhuang being invited to be the Chief Editor of CCPR, the School of Architecture of Tsinghua University would put more into the development of the journal. Moreover, although the international interaction is temporarily hindered at present, he hoped that CCPR will actively cope with the situation and achieve the goal of internationalization as soon as possible while maintaining stability. Prof. Yang Xudong, Deputy Director of School of Architecture, Tsinghua University, shared his experience of establishing an international journal and suggested that CCPR should further clarify its positioning and refine its tasks based on the nearly 40 years of historical development accumulation as well as the current international situation changes and discipline development needs. He also suggested that CCPR should actively seek support from multiple parties including the China Association for Science and Technology (CAST) and the Tsinghua University Press to quickly develop into an outstanding international journal. Pan Fang, Secretary of Party Branch of Beijing Tsinghua Tongheng Urban Planning & Design Institute, said that Tsinghua Tongheng would continue to provide comprehensive support to CCPR and promote the rapid development of the journal through various platforms. Mao Qizhi, Professor of School of Architecture, Tsinghua University and Associate Chief Editor of CCPR, suggested that CCPR should further explore and reflect its own characteristics in comparison with international mainstream journals, and clarify the positioning of the journal with Chinese characteristics. He also suggested that after Academician Zhuang assuming the position as the Chief Editor of CCPR, the tradition of holding the meeting of the Editorial Board every year should be resumed in order to summarize the experience and adjust the work plan in time to cope with the current changing situation.

Prof. Zhang Li, Dean of School of Architecture, Tsinghua University, then made a concluding speech. He pointed out that the new President of Tsinghua University, Prof. Wang Xiqin, attached special importance to the running of academic journals, especially international academic journals, and required to continuously improve the academic influence of international journals. He suggested that CCPR actively learn from the experience of outstanding peer journals and strive to improve its international influence in the disciplinary field and on different search platforms. On behalf of the School of Architecture, he thanked the UPSC for its long-term trust and the Beijing Tsinghua Tongheng Urban Planning & Design Institute for its continuous support, and said that the School of Architecture will continue to create conditions for the sustainable development of CCPR in the future, while hoping that the Research & Development Affairs Office, Tsinghua University, and Tsinghua University Press will give more guidance and attention to CCPR. He also expressed the expectation that CCPR would further enhance its competitiveness and reach a new level under the leadership of Academician Zhuang.

At the end of the meeting, on behalf of the CCPR Editorial Department, Prof. Liu Jian expressed her heartfelt thanks to all parties concerned for their constant support and said that in the future, under the leadership of the new Chief Editor, Academician Zhuang Weimin, CCPR will strengthen the communication with related parties including the UPSC, the CAST, Tsinghua University Press, School of Architecture of Tsinghua University, and Beijing Tsinghua Tongheng Urban Planning & Design Institute, and strive to obtain more attention and support through various channels so as to accomplish more achievements in the new development stage.

Source: CCPR Editorial Department 

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