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Yingzhou of the East China Sea ∙ Fishing Port with Amorous Feelings:Conceptual Planning of Shuanglongwan area on Qushan Island

2021-06-15 | UPSC

Reading guide

Located in the middle and north of Zhoushan Archipelago, Qushan island is a strategic bridgehead for Zhejiang Province to develop marine economy and connect with Shanghai, as well as a maritime gateway facing the Pacific Ocean.  Shuanglongwan (SLW) area has the most representative island landscapes, mountain scenery, pastoral style and fishing village scenery. In order to innovate the development ideas and plan the future development with forward-looking design concept, UPSC organized the international scheme collection of "Donghai Yingzhou ∙ fishing port with Amorous Feelings - Conceptual Planning of SLW area on Qushan island". The three schemes injected new ideas, new directions and new kinetic energy into the future development of SLW area.

Scope of planning and design

The international scheme solicitation is composed of two levels:

1.Planning research of Qushan Island  

Focusing on the cultural tourism industry and related content of Qushan Island, with the research area of 61.8 km2.

2.Conceptual planning of SLW

On the basis of the overall study of Qushan Island, SLW area is selected as the key planning area of this project. This area mainly includes villages of Liangshi, Dong'ao, Zhangwangtao, Shizimen, etc., with planning area of 3.5 km2 and construction area of  0.55 km2.

Schematic diagram of planning scope

Comparison of three schemes

Programme 1. International Maritime Island, Yingzhou Oriental Dragon

Ranking No.1  Shenzhen lei'ao planning and Design Consulting Co., Ltd


Spatial structure of SLW area

Conceptual planning design sketch of SLW area 

Qushan island is planned to connect with Shanghai in order for building a world-famous international maritime islands, anchoring the ecological background of the whole island, delimiting the landscape space and urban boundaries, making “three theme lines and six development centers”, and finally forming the overall spatial structure of mountain-sea connection.

The conceptual planning of SLW respects the unique shape of “Twin Dragon”, and puts forward the spatial structure of "two boundaries, four villages and six pearls" to build SLW into a “Yingzhou Oriental Dragon” with ecological mountain and sea fishing. 

 Urban Design Master Plan of SLW area

Juxian island in the shape of Twin Dragon: build ecological security, coastal characteristics of the public space network, to ensure the smooth flow of the mountain and sea corridor.

 Bird’s-eye of SLW area

Enjoy the pleasure of the fishing village: regenerate the village organically, reshape the style of fishermen, and create a holiday brand with oriental aesthetics.

ZhangWang village:Yujia customs village

Shizimen village: corporate theme village


Multi dimensional tour path:SLW tour map

Expert comments:

1. The analysis of the current situation and development constraints of the scheme is in place, and well connected with the upper planning. The plan has a good grasp of regional relations and functional positioning, and puts forward the positioning of hard industry, soft culture and tourism, relying on Shanghai and connecting with the world.

2. The spatial structure of "three lines and six areas" is in line with the resource conditions and characteristics of Qushan, and the setting of functional areas is basically reasonable. Furthermore, it highlights the island development and cultural tourism development mode based on the protection of mountain and sea ecological resources.

3. The planning positioning of SLW area is more accurate. It emphasizes the concept of urban renewal and oriental charm, and forms an "embedded" layout on the basis of ecological protection, which conforms to the mountain and sea texture characteristics of SLW. Moreover, It also emphasizes the distinctive theme and characteristic development, and highlights the medium-sized forms and projects.

4. The project planning is clear, the layout of main transportation facilities such as wharf is reasonable, and the planning and location of island service center and various functional projects are basically reasonable.

5. The mechanism of landscape style and features is elaborated systematically and deeply, and conforms to the local island style and features. The protection of architectural style is practical and effective.

6. It is feasible to adopt "spot land-supply" for land development and utilization. The transformation and operation measures are worth learning. Drawing and multimedia expression are clear and flexible.

Programme 2: Three corridors and five villages, an emotional fishing port

No.2  Shanghai Tongji Urban Planning and Design Institute Co., Ltd.

       Jinheng Architectural Design Consulting (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.

Qushan island takes "movement" as its theme--

the “fun move” on the west side, meets the basic requirements of the whole island tourism, and excavates the aboriginal street culture to show a different kind of fun space; the “heart move” in the South uses Guanyin Mountain Temple to provide the functions of meditation, heart cultivation and emotion cultivation to create a heart stirring place; while on the east side, Wanliang'ao international port makes use of the free trade zone policy to explore the future free trade mode and build a free trade, international duty-free shop and international seafarer community; in the north, "delighted move" reappears the future tourism experience function with fishermen's customs, ecological landscape, wind elements and modern technology.

Guide map of key cultural tourism projects in Qushan Island

The planning concept of SLW area is based on the creation myth "dragon", which connects a series of events and activities through three corridors, so as to integrate people's spiritual world with mountains, seas and villages.

Planning structure of "three corridors and five villages" in SLW area

The "three corridors" include coastal pleasant corridor-Dragon Ridge, cultural landscape corridor-Wind Tour, and commercial style corridor-Love of Fishing. Through the connection of three levels of corridors, a series of "event islands" are created to form a new center of Zhoushan Archipelago.

Correspondingly, "five villages" rely on the vision of international islands and the policy of free trade zone, planning a new central focus-“Bay Village”. It will become an open gateway of Qushan island to the Western Pacific, balance the functional layout of the four villages in Shuanglong Bay, and become a “Jumping Island” connection point among all of Zhoushan Islands. The five villages symbolize “gold, wood, water, fire and earth” in the traditional “Feng Shui”concept.

General plan of conceptual planning of SLW area

Bay Village-gold, represents the future time and space, creates an unprecedented vacation and leisure experience, and will become a new economic growth point boosted by the favorable policies of the free trade zone.

Bird’s-eye view of the fifth village of Floating Island

Dong'ao-wood, reflects the ecological green, takes the local unique fishing and farming and salt production mode as the constituent elements of the holiday scene.

Effect drawing of tourist service center in Dong'Ao Village

Shizi-water, highlights the tonality of artistic creativity and creates an atmosphere of creative vitality through a series of online famous buildings.

Effect picture of shizimen village meditation hall

Liangzhi-fire, featured by dynamic fashion, is implanted with the functions of dynamic art festival and forum celebration.

Bird's-eye view of Liangzhi Village

Zhangwang-earth, with the characteristics of the hometown of customs, to maximize the retention of fishing customs, reflecting disenchanted hustle and bustle of the secular life.

Daydream Wharf in zhangwangtao Village & effect picture of Haifeng Fair

Expert comments:

1. The scheme is well connected with the upper planning, the overall functional layout of the island is reasonable, and the utilization of traditional culture is more prominent. The seafarer customer group analysis in Service Park of free trade island is reasonable.

2. The overall planning concept of "Island Hopping Tour" in Qushan island is more prominent, the concept of “gold-wood-water-fire-earth” in SLW area, the creative landscape design using windmills and wind energy, creatively putting forward and the floating island design.

3.The additional key projects in each village in the plan, such as the entertainment and business conference center in Liangshi village, are conducive to improving the tourism and leisure content and service quality of each village and the whole village.

Programme 3: Dynamic Qugang, customized mountain and sea

NO.3: Shanghai Qichuang Tourism Group Co., Ltd

Taking the "international service (industry) island" as the industrial development orientation, through the dual wheel drive of "maritime free trade service industry + marine sports service industry", Qushan island's maritime destination and marine tourism destination will be comprehensively upgraded by industrial upgrading, industrial prosperity and industrial added value, and the service-oriented marine movement of "sea-land-air" trinity will be constructed as the core to attract customers. With in-depth cultural experience, delicious food, beautiful scenery and beautiful lodging as the guest elements of the product system, we will create a high-quality-service-oriented international marine sports holiday destination.

The functional structure of "one corridor, one ring and four districts" in Qushan Island

 Qugang International Maritime Free Trade Service Zone is the core of developing maritime free trade service industry. The mountain pilgrimage sightseeing leisure area focuses on the development of leisure tourism industry, and the mountain sea folk culture experience area focuses on the development of cultural tourism industry. SLW international marine sports service area is the core of marine sports service industry in Qushan island. It is the core engine for the development of culture and tourism in the whole island. It practices the development idea of “one village, one product”. Through “marine sports plus characteristic service”, it has the differentiated positioning of four villages and creates a one-stop marine sports service base.

Spatial structure analysis of SLW area

General plan of conceptual planning of SLW area

Liangzhi village Yangtze River Delta yacht club service cluster rendering

Dongao village coastal resort service cluster rendering

Design sketch of zhangwangtao village and haidiao Rural Innovation Service Cluster

Shizimen village training competition service cluster rendering

Expert comments:

1. The content of the plan is relatively complete. From the perspective of tourism planning, the development analysis and strategic positioning are listed separately, which is conducive to the support of the planning content.

2. Qushan island is positioned as "international marine sports holiday destination" in the planning scheme, which focuses on the theme of sports and maritime services, with clear theme.

The plan focuses on industrial development and project planning. For Qushan island as a whole and Shuanglongwan four village development positioning is relatively clear.

Scheme review 

From May 23 to 24, 2021, the review meeting of international scheme solicitation for “Yingzhou in the East China Sea, fishing port with customs- Conceptual Planning of SLW area on Qushan island” was held in Daishan. The meeting was presided over by Geng Hongbing (Deputy Secretary General of UPSC). Yuan Qifeng (executive director of UPSC and professor of South China University of technology) was served as the leader of the evaluation committee. The evaluation committee included Zhou Jianming (director of Institute of culture and tourism planning of China Academy of urban planning and design), Xu Shiwen (chief architect of Zhejiang Academy of architectural design and research), Chen Weiming (member of the Urban Design Academic Committee of the society and planning technical director of Zhejiang Institute of urban and rural planning and design), Wang Weishan (professor of Huaqiao University), Wan Yong (director of the urban and real estate research center of Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences), Hong bin (Dean of Zhoushan Institute of urban planning and design) and Zhou Jianjun (member of the academic committee of the society and chief planner of Zhoushan archipelago new area), and the main leaders of Daishan County and persons in charge of relevant units of the county also attended the meeting.

Site of scheme review meeting

First of all, the Judges conducted a field survey, and conducted field visits to the four coastal fishing villages in Qushan island and SLW area, and then listened to the scheme reports of the three applicants. The review committee members carefully reviewed the text, observed the exhibition board, and conducted full evaluation and discussion. Finally, the scheme ranking was determined by voting, and a winning scheme design organization was selected to be responsible for the work in the later deepening stage. 

Site survey

Panel review


           Translated by Chai Ning