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Keep the City’s Heritage and Let People Memorize the Hometown(Part 1)

2024-09-13 | UPSC | By Yang Baojun

Author | Yang Baojun

President of the Urban Planning Society of China, National Engineering Surveying and Design Master, Former Chief Economist of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development

Adhere to the people-first principle, and share the results of protection throughout the entire process

‘People are the foundation of a state; when the foundation is strong, the state will be at peace.’ The people are the creators of history and also the beneficiaries of the culture and inheritors of nostalgia. Urban and rural historical and cultural heritage not only carries traditional culture but is also the living environment of the people, playing a vital role in preserving historical context and retaining memories of home. We must adhere to putting people first, support traditional social networks, encourage the development of traditional service-oriented businesses, and ensure that old city districts remain vibrant with life. Focus on improving the quality of the living environment, addressing the urgent, difficult, and worrying issues of the people, strive to enhance the living standards of residents in old cities and streets, and meet the people's aspirations for a better life.

In the course of urban regeneration action, Nanjing pays attention to public demands and has explored an organic regeneration mode for old cities that emphasizes residents, things, and living conditions. In the protection and regeneration progress of the Xiaoxihu Lake area, more than 360 original residents were retained, public building space was released, and the living environment and housing conditions of residents were improved. Once enclosed courtyards have been transformed into spaces for exchange, giving new vitality to previously rundown alleys, becoming a model of harmonious sharing between neighbours and visitors. For example, No. 33 Duicao Alley was renovated as a 'shared courtyard,' allowing an elderly couple who had lived there all their lives to stay, and preserving the pomegranate and loquat trees that had grown in the backyard for decades. After renovation and regeneration, the neighbourhood became livelier and the courtyard environment improved, making it a popular destination in the Xiaoxihu Lake area.

‘Yangzhou is a beautiful place, built alongside water, prospering because of water, and made beautiful by water, and is a significant national historic and cultural city.’ This was President Xi Jinping’s praise for Yangzhou city during his inspection tour in November 2020. More than ten years ago, the unpaved roads and muddy potholes in Renfengli, along with the tangled overhead cables, made life unbearable for living residents. Since 2013, in the course of protecting and implementing the preservation of the Renfengli Historic and Cultural District, Yangzhou focused on solving the urgent needs and concerns of the people, primarily through infrastructure improvement projects centred around 'water supply, electricity, and fire safety,' while rectifying issues such as unauthorized construction, disorderly wiring, and indiscriminate stacking. These measures effectively enhanced the living environment in the district and truly delivered the benefits of protection and development to the people, enabling them to enjoy the conveniences of modern life even within the old neighbourhoods.

President Xi Jinping emphasized, 'The transformation and upgrading of old urban areas must be unified with the protection of historical relics and the preservation of historical context. While improving the living environment, we must also preserve the historical and cultural heritage, integrating historical culture with modern life. 'Urban and rural historical and cultural protection and inheritance work is closely linked to the well-being of the people and spiritual civilization construction. We must adhere to the people-first principle, ensuring that historical and cultural heritage plays a full role in providing public cultural services and meeting the spiritual and cultural needs of the people under the premise of strengthened protection. We must truly reflect the value of protection in the enhancement of the people's sense of gain, happiness, and security.

Promoting Preservation Through Utilization Integrating Fully into Urban and Rural Development

President Xi Jinping has pointed out, 'With a sense of responsibility to history and the people, we must carry forward our historical legacy, handle the relationship between urban renovation and development and the protection and utilization of historical and cultural heritage, ensuring real development in protection and protection in development.' Utilization is aimed at better preservation, ensuring that historical and cultural heritage remains vibrant and enduring. Urban and rural historical and cultural heritage serves as a tangible carrier to unite the people, a medium for promoting city brands, and a source of inspiration for creative industries. We should revitalize and transmit historical culture to provide new impetus, vitality, and charm for urban development.

There is heaven above and Suzhou and Hangzhou below. On the morning of July 6, 2023, during his visit to the Pingjiang Historical and Cultural District in Suzhou, President Xi Jinping told local officials, 'The Pingjiang Historical and Cultural District is a valuable asset for inheriting and promoting fine traditional Chinese culture and strengthening socialist spiritual civilization. It must be protected, excavated, and utilized well, not only in physical form but also in spirit.' In recent years, Suzhou has continuously imbued historical and cultural heritage with new meanings, creating a spatial link between history and contemporary times, achieving a harmonious blend of the ancient and modern, tradition and fashion, becoming a poetic place of habitation that people willing to come. Since 2023, the Gusu District of Suzhou has launched an Ancient City Protection and Regeneration Partner Program, piloting the revitalization of historical buildings suitable for adaptive reuse. Implementing acupuncture-like 'needling' on these buildings, the 'Zhaoqing Temple' has been transformed into the 'Hongru Study Room', where young people can be inspired by the ancient aroma of books. Traditional handicrafts like Suzhou embroidery are experiencing a renaissance in the ancient city, and multiple cultural products and brands are being born here... Traditional culture is reborn, resonating with contemporary life even after thousands of years, turning Suzhou into a "new paradise for ancient culture".

Craftsmen come from all directions, and their works travel the world.' As the 'Thousand-Year Porcelain Capital', Jingdezhen in Jiangxi Province once enjoyed great prosperity. However, by the end of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century, there was even no porcelain created in Jingdezhen, the ten major porcelain factories nearly closed down, and many industrial workers lost their jobs. The old city and factory areas saw deteriorating living environments, transforming Jingdezhen into a resource-exhausted city. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, Jingdezhen seized the opportunity presented by the preservation and utilization of ceramic cultural heritage, actively promoting comprehensive protection and organic regeneration of the old city and factory areas. Through functional reconstruction, cultural shaping, and environmental creation, the city revitalized old workshops and factories, embracing the 'new economy' of creativity and culture. It established the new creative area 'Jingdrifter' Employment Workshop, organized the 'Taoranji' Designer Market, and introduced studios like the Blankspace Studio and ceramic culture study experience bases. Not only did this preserve the soul of the old porcelain factories and neighbourhoods, but it also ignited the dreams of young people and artists, attracting 60,000 'Jingdrifters' and over 5,000 foreign 'Jingdrifters', creating jobs for over 100,000 people. In recent years, the kiln fires in Jingdezhen have lit up the internet, turning 'Jingdezhen' into a 'super IP' once again, bringing countless artists and creators came to Jingdezhen chasing their cultural and art dreams. Jingdezhen has made cultural innovation a crucial support for new-quality productive forces. On the morning of October 11, 2023, President Xi Jinping visited Jingdezhen and, while walking through the Taoyangli Historical and Cultural District, he said with deep emotion, 'We must gather talents from all walks of life, strengthen creative design and research and innovation, further develop the ceramic industry, and polish the bright name card of the 'Thousand-Year Porcelain Capital' even brighter.'

Historical and cultural relics that embody traditional Chinese culture must be well protected and managed, and at the same time, we must strengthen research and utilization, allowing history and artifacts to speak,' President Xi Jinping emphasized. Utilization is the best form of protection. We should revitalize historical buildings and industrial heritage, exploring adaptive reuse methods suitable for historical buildings. By relying on historical and cultural districts and areas, we can build specific zones for cultural exhibitions, traditional residences, specialty commerce, and leisure experiences, fostering new business models and creating new employment opportunities, allowing urban and rural historical and cultural heritage to regenerate through effective utilization.

Translated by Zhang Chenxi