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Landscape Justice

2022-08-31 | UPSC

Landscape Justice originated in the 1980s within the Environment Justice Movement. In 1982, the dumping of toxic waste in non-white communities in the United States sparked a resistance movement that led to a search for environmental justice. Environmental justice research initially focused on the unfairness of environmental risks and hazards for disadvantaged groups, and later expanded to include the study of equitable access to environmental material resources and facilities. As the knowledge of environmental justice gradually deepened, it further expanded to study the recognition, participation, basic needs, and functions of individuals and communities. Landscape justice is one of the basic connotations of landscape design. The United Nations Declaration of Human Rights, adopted in 1948, clearly states that ‘everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family’, which also articulates landscape justice.

Edited and translated by Zhang Yifei