14th Five-Year Plan

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China Will Build a Better World During the “14th Five-Year” Plan Period——Thoughts upon Studying Xi Jinping: The Governance of China (Volume III)

2022-01-12 | TPPCKTE

It is profoundly recorded in the third volume of Xi Jinping: The Governance of China that, since the 19th National Congress of CPC, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core has united and led the Chinese people to consider "two major situations", promote "two revolutions", and complete the great practice of building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects. It is a vivid presentation of the latest achievements in adapting Marxism to the Chinese context. 2020 is the year in which China realizes its goal of building a moderately prosperous society and wins the battle against poverty in all-round way. At such a time node, it is of special significance to hold the fifth plenary session of the 19th CPC Central Committee to assess proposals for formulating the 14th Five-Year Plan and the Long-Range Objectives Through the Year 2035.

At the fifth plenary session of the 19th CPC Central Committee, a new blueprint for national efforts has been mapped out with the proposal of a set of long-range objectives for China socialist modernization which should be substantially achieved by 2035 and that of major economic and social development targets during the 14th Five-Year Plan period. It has been predicted that during the 14th Five-year Plan period, the unprecedented great changes that the world is undergoing in a century is evolving in a rapid pace. And the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation is proceeding steadily. China's internal target is to promote socialist modernization and its external goal is to build a community with a shared future for mankind. The domestic and international situations will interact more closely. And China's development will bring more "energy and contribution" to the world.

I. The 14th Five-Year Plan is going to be carried out in an all-round way against the background of unprecedented great changes in a century

Based on the evolution of the unprecedented great changes in a century and the transformation and remodeling of the international order, China's formulation and implementation of the 14th Five-Year Plan is an important strategic deployment that plans the overall situation and eyes on the future. The great changes in a century occur not only in the world, but also in China. They are cross-overlapped, mutual influenced, and mutual promoted. With the full deployment of the 14th Five-Year Plan, China's future development will certainly have more influence on the world.

First, the 14th Five-Year Plan is proposed on the basis of the great changes in a century. In today's world, systemic crises are in dramatic rise and fall, the trend of global power structure presents a rise in the East and a descend in the West, and the relations between major powers have been divided and reorganized. These constitute the main international background for China to formulate and implement the 14th Five-Year Plan. The communique of the fifth plenary session of the 19th CPC Central Committee stressed that "the whole Party should coordinate the overall strategic situation of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and the unprecedented great changes in a century of the world. Meanwhile, awareness must be raised about the new features and requirements brought about by the changing major contradictions in Chinese society, the new conflicts and challenges brought by the complex international environment." The fundamental driving force and inner law of the great changes of the world originate from the unbalanced economic and political development between and among countries. It is the development of economy and technology that drives the changes in the world and affects the changes of social structure, political system, military power and the status of major powers. During the 14th Five-Year Plan period, the international uni-multipolarity model will evolve into a new stage of multi-polarization. The trend of China's continuous development and rising national strength will be universally witnessed by the world.

Secondly, the 14th Five-Year Plan is proposed on the basis of current international order which is undergoing profound transformation and remodeling. Since the end of World War II, the so-called "liberal" international order has gone through the period of the Cold War, and spread throughout the world. Nowadays, it is on the verge of collapse after suffering several major shocks such as the 9/11 attacks, the international financial crisis and the COVID-19 pandemic. First, the international political order is facing great changes. At present, the UN-centered international system is marginalized, politicized and instrumentalized by some major powers with its authority declining and effectiveness insufficient. In its institutions such as the WHO, the United Nations Human Rights Council, different sides are in serious opposition leading to disfunction. Second, the international economic order is facing profound adjustments. The production, trade and investment systems in the world are going to be reconstructed. The industry chain and the supply chain have been adjusted rapidly due to the pandemic. It is of more urgency to reform current trade rules as well as WTO. New barriers to capital flow have increased. Regional economic cooperation has sprung up. New scenarios of "self-reliance" such as relying mainly on domestic, bilateral and regional cooperation, are emerging. Third, the world political thought is turning to another orientation. The so-called "Washington Consensus" has disintegrated. The liberal and democratic model boasted by the West has been losing its attraction. A variety of trends of thought have been emerging and the idea of strong government is widely welcomed. Robert Kaplan, a US foreign policy expert, said that in the post-pandemic world, there will be a new trend to strengthen the role of the government.

II. China's new position in the world

During the 14th Five-Year Plan period, China is moving closer to the center stage of the world in the context of the unprecedented great changes in a century of the world. In addition, as a major power, China is going to take more responsibilities. China will better play its role as the "builder of world peace, contributor to global development and upholder of international order", so as to form a new framework of the relations with the world.

Firstly, China will always be the builder of world peace. China has been profoundly aware that economy and science and technology are the deciding factors of the development and progress of contemporary major countries, and "running its own business well" is the key to a country's prosperity. This understanding has contained not only the cultural gene of China which pays more attention on "being diligent in internal affairs", but also the basic conclusion drawn by the profound summary of the development law of modern countries in the world. On the one hand, China is dedicated to peaceful development. It has been proved that China can achieve development and rising by peaceful means. On the other hand, by China's rising, Chinese people can also safeguard world peace better, constructively intervene in global hot conflict areas and issues, and contribute more Chinese wisdom, strength and proposals to world peace and development.

Secondly, China will be the contributor to global development. First, China's development is an opportunity for the world. For many years China has been played the role of the main engine of world economic growth. During the period of 2013-2018, its average contribution rate was over 28%. It is expected that China can still hold on to its position as the main contributor of world economic growth. A better growth of China is good for the world economic development in the long run. According to the report issued by McKinsey Global Institute, it is expected that China's economic integration into the world is going to create $22 trillion to $37 trillion in economic value by 2040. Second, China's all-round opening-up will create more opportunities for all countries to share the "China dividend". China continues to pursue a mutually beneficial strategy of opening up. This will promote opening up to an even greater input and higher level. With the continuous improvement of business environment, China will become one of the major sources of capital for the world's factories, global markets and other aspects of the world. Third, China's development provides experience and reference for other developing countries. China has paved a new path of modernization, but China adheres to the principle of non-interference in the internal affairs of other countries and does not seek to export our model of development. China will share its development experience through deepening the exchange of governance experience with other countries.

Thirdly, China will be the upholder of international order. The changes in the international balance of powers have determined that it is inevitable for the old international order to be transformed and reconstructed. China should not only insist on defending the reasonable part, but also actively support and guide the reformation of the unreasonable part. On the whole, China will still be an anchor that helps stabilize the international order to reduce the impact of uncertainty and instability on the world in the process of its transformation. On the one hand, China adheres to multilateralism, firmly upholds the due authority of the United Nations and maintains the existing multilateral frameworks such as WTO, WHO, etc. On the other hand, China cooperates with the international community to promote the reform and improvement of the existing multilateral governance system, and to build and operate a new platform and mechanism for multilateral dialogue and cooperation in the fields of politics, economy, security, humanities and so on.

III. China's vision of building a better world

The fifth plenary session of the 19th CPC Central Committee stressed that, in order to achieve the goals set in the 14th Five-Year Plan and the long-range objectives through the year 2035, "China will hold high the banner of peace, development, cooperation, and mutual benefit, and strive to create a favorable external environment and promote the building of a new type of international relations and a community with a shared future for humanity." The core connotation of building a community with a shared future for mankind is to "build an open, inclusive, clean and beautiful world that enjoys lasting peace, universal security and common prosperity." For the coming period, China will build a better world under the ideological guidance of a community of shared future for mankind.

First of all, China stands for building a world of "harmony with difference, peaceful coexistence". China has repeatedly stated that countries with different social systems, different ideologies, different historical civilizations and different levels of development should have the same goals, interconnected interests, shared rights and responsibilities in international activities. Expanding global partnership is an important factor in coordinating China's relations with the world. In this effort, China works to build a framework for major country relations featuring overall stability and balanced development, deepens relations with neighboring countries in accordance with the principle of stability and mutual benefit and strengthens solidarity and cooperation with other developing countries. In addition, China is committed to working with Africa for an even stronger China-Africa community with a shared future and pursuing more cooperation with Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) and other areas.

Secondly, China insists on building a world of dialectical unity between self-development and common development. Though we are witnessing the unprecedented changes in a century, the essence remains unchanged. On the one hand, China has steadily enhanced the development level of economy and science and technology, and continuously strengthened its national power, "adhering to the core position of innovation in the overall modernization drive, and taking self-reliance in science and technology as the strategic support for national development". On the other hand, the modernization of China's system and capacity for governance will be basically achieved. "The rule of law for the country, the government, and society will be basically in place". On the basis of these two aspects, China insists on strengthening mutually beneficial cooperation with other countries, promoting exchanges and learning from each other, bridging the development gap, and embarking on a fair, open, comprehensive and innovative road of common development.

Thirdly, China insists on building a world of dialectical unity of its own contribution and common responsibility. During the 14th Five-Year Plan period, with the further enhancement of China's national power, China's international contribution will further increase. China will continue to increase its investment and participation in international organizations and international security, will provide more global and regional public goods, and will especially make steady progress in the Belt and Road construction. At the same time, China calls for other countries to abide by their international obligations, to take on their proper international responsibilities and contribute to the peace and development of the international community.

Finally, China stands for building a world with a more just and equitable international order. China proposes to summarize historical experience and lessons, strengthen coordination, improve governance, and help make economic globalization more open, inclusive, balanced and beneficial for all. China firmly supports the UN-centered international order, follows international law and the basic norms of international relations. At the same time, China also stands for orderly innovation to adapt it to the new reality of changes in international forces, and promotes the reform of the international system in the interests and concerns of developing countries. China adheres to the principle of "extensive consultation, joint contribution and shared benefits", actively promotes the development of global governance system in a more just and equitable direction, and takes an active part in cooperation at G20, BRICS, etc. for playing a greater role in improving global governance.

In short, with the full implementation of the 14th Five-Year Plan, a rising China will further "seek happiness for the people, seek rejuvenation for the nation and seek peace for the world". The world will develop into "a world in which countries treasure their own distinct heritages, appreciate other cultures and promote shared prosperity". And "a better China" and "a better world" will complement each other for a win-win future.

Author: Wang Lei, Research Assistant, Institute of World Politics Studies of China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations

Source: <http://tppckte.org.cn/2021-01/04/content_77078512.html>