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Overall Plan Issued to Promote Nansha’s Development (Part 2)

2022-12-13 | & China Daily

▲ The world's largest LNG bunker vessel was delivered for use in the Nansha district of Guangzhou, Guangdong province. [China Daily]

3. Establish a Cooperation Platform for Youth Startup and Employment.

3.1 Collaborate to promote youth innovation and entrepreneurship.

Actively introduce a raft of policies supporting business startups to stimulate market vitality. Make a slew of measures to encourage existing business incubation bases to provide and expand room for entrepreneurship and employment specifically for young people from Hong Kong and Macao. Integrate all kinds of entrepreneurial resources, strengthen the collaboration of innovation and business startups, build a full-chain entrepreneurial service system and a multi-level policy support system, and create comprehensive incubation bases integrating business office, living and entertainment. Support eligible innovation and startup platforms to enjoy preferential tax policies. And businesses started by eligible residents from Hong Kong and Macao in Nansha can enjoy equal support policies such as start-up guaranteed loans and discounted interest as local businesses. Carry out innovation and startup events and training activities to create a high-quality innovation and startup biosphere.

3.2 Improve the security of internship and employment.

Implement the internship program for the Hong Kong and Macao youth and a batch of young professional talent cooperation programs. Support the government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region to expand the “Mainland Internship Program” and deliver the “Youth Employment Program of Greater Bay Area”. Establish a comprehensive public employment service platform to secure the employment rights of Hong Kong and Macao residents in the mainland. And strengthen employment support services and provide convenient conditions in terms of accommodation, commuting, and children's education.

3.3 Encourage cultural exchanges among young people.

Plan and build an exchange headquarters base among Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao young people in Nansha, carry out cultural exchange activities while encouraging academic research and tourism cooperations. Jointly organize various forms of cultural and artistic activities with Hong Kong and Macao, guide the youth to actively participate in the protection and conservation of key cultural heritage, and continuously enhance their sense of identity and cohesion.

4. Build a High-standard Opening-up Gateway.

4.1 Build a comprehensive service base for Chinese enterprises going global.

Relying on the industrial and market base of Guangzhou, especially Nansha, collaborate with Hong Kong and Macao to continue to deepen foreign economic and trade cooperation. In-depth docking with countries and regions along the "Belt and Road", reinforce the cooperation with Hong Kong professional service agencies, and jointly build an online and offline integrated international investment and financing comprehensive service system with the provision of one-stop services including information sharing, project docking, standard compatibility, testing and certification, financial services, and dispute resolution. Lower the entry barriers for Hong Kong's professional services industry to provide services in the mainland. And improve the partnership and association mechanism between law firms in the mainland, Hong Kong and Macao.

4.2 Enhance the function of the international shipping and logistics hub.

Give full play to the role of Hong Kong's international shipping center and the advantages of maritime professional services, promote cross-border and cross-regional integration of shipping services in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, enhance the overall service capacity of the port group in the Greater Bay Area with the focus on shipping logistics, shipping, railway to shipping, shipping finance, maritime services, cruise and yacht, etc. Accelerate the construction of the Phase IV automated terminal in Nansha Port of Guangzhou. Support Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao to jointly build a Greater Bay Area trading center for shipping in Nansha and create an international maritime service industry cluster. And establish a supply chain management platform for bulk commodities in the Greater Bay area based on the Guangzhou Nansha Comprehensive Free Trade Zone, and set up a futures delivery warehouse.

4.3 Intensify international economic cooperation.

Comprehensively intensify and deepen economic and trade cooperation with Japan, South Korea and ASEAN countries, support Nansha to implement the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (RCEP) with high quality, and take the lead in accumulating valuable experience. Strengthen cooperation with the European Union and North America's developed economies, promote docking in finance, technology innovation and other fields, further integrate into the regional and world economy and make Nansha a frontier of international economic cooperation.

4.4 Establish a new platform for international exchanges.

Encourage and guide Hong Kong and Macao chambers of commerce and associations to set up representative offices in Nansha. Support Hong and Macao to fully participate in and contribute to the "Belt and Road" construction, promote practical exchanges and cooperation with countries and regions along the route as well as major free trade zones, free trade port areas, and chambers of commerce and associations in the world. Explore the holding of related theme exhibitions, and establish a new platform for international economic cooperation in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. Successfully organize international theme events, and host important international exchange activities such as famous forums and large sports and cultural events. etc.



Editor & Translator: GUO Xinxin