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Overall Plan Issued to Promote Nansha’s Development (Part 1)

2022-11-21 | & China Daily

▲Photo shows a view of Nansha Port in Guangzhou, South China's Guangdong province. [China Daily]

China's recently issued overall plan for Guangzhou's Nansha district in southern Guangdong province is set to further enhance cooperation and expand opening-up in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA). The plan will offer opportunities for Guangzhou to play a key functional role in the GBA, foster high-quality and innovation-driven development in the area and inject strong impetus into the country's economy.

1. General Requirements. 

1.1 Spatial layout.

The plan will be implemented in the whole area of Nansha district, covering a total area of about 803 square kilometers. According to the plan, with the Nanshawan, Qingsheng hub and Nansha hub in the southern areas of China (Guangdong) Pilot Free Trade Zone serving as launching areas in the first phase, the total area will be 23 square kilometers. These areas mentioned above will give full play to the advantages of easy access to Hong Kong through transportation hubs, accelerate the formation of a continuous development trend and agglomeration development effect, powerfully drive the development of the whole Nansha area, and gradually realize the development of “hub-driven, multiple point-support, integrated coordination”. 

1.2 Development objectives.

By 2025, Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao joint scientific and technological innovation systems and mechanisms in Nansha will be further improved, industrial cooperation will be deepened and regional innovation and industrial transformation systems will be preliminarily established. The level of cooperation in youth entrepreneurship and employment will be further enhanced, and high-quality public resources on education and medical care will be pooled at a faster pace, enabling Nansha to attract youth from Hong Kong and Macao to live and work. The enabling business environment that is based on market principles, governed by law and up to international standards will be primarily formed, and great achievements will be secured in the joint participation under the Belt and Road Initiatives. A green, smart, energy-saving, and low-carbon park construction and operation model will be established, and the construction of the launching areas will make significant progress. 

By 2035, the regional innovation and industrial transformation system will become more mature, and the capability to transfer and transform international scientific and technological achievements will be significantly enhanced. Production and living environment will be improved. World-leading public services will be achieved and the world-class business environment will be further improved to play a leading role in the Greater Bay Area's participation in international cooperation and competition. Nansha district will be cooperated with Hong Kong and Macao to build a high-level opening-up gateway and become a vital platform for comprehensive cooperation between Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao.

2. Build a Sci-tech Innovation Industrial Cooperation Base. 

2.1 Strengthen the joint sci-tech innovation between Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao.

Encourage research institutions in Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao to organize and implement scientific and technological innovation projects and make breakthroughs in key and core technologies as well as strengthen the joint development of the basic study, applied research and industrialization, while improving public services for intellectual property information. Innovate the sci-tech cooperation mechanism and implement tax policies to support sci-tech innovation. Promote the deep integration of finance, technology and industry, explore new business models for sci-tech innovation of financial services, and provide more financial support to Hong Kong and Macao research institutions and innovation carriers in Nansha.

2.2 Create major platforms on sci-tech innovation. 

Create Nansha Science City with the layout of cross-study platforms, and build world-class research universities and institutions to enhance the original innovation capabilities. Speed up the construction of the Pearl Science Park of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, integrate sci-tech innovation resources, and create a competitive application and promotion base. Promote the gathering of marine science and technology researchers, accelerate the construction of innovation platforms for major projects, and create a marine sci-tech innovation center in southern China. Improve the trading platform and public trading system for sci-tech achievements.

2.3 Foster the development of high-tech industries. 

Develop intelligent manufacturing by building several intelligent manufacturing platforms and creating an industrial chain of “intelligent manufacturing and service”. Accelerate the construction of an internet-connected vehicle industrial park and specialized robot innovation center. Develop the digital industry by speeding up the construction of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Innovation Center, a national engineering center for the next generation of the Internet. Give play to the role of the national Internet of Things public signage management service platform, and encourage the agglomeration development of emerging industries such as the Internet of Things and cloud computing. Foster the creation of the Nansha data service pilot zone and national demonstration base for the sci-tech promotion of the marine industry. And efforts will be made to foster high-tech industries including levying enterprise income tax at a reduced rate of 15 percent for enterprises in sectors encouraged.

2.4 Pool international high-end talents. 

Innovate the talent policy system, offer special support measures for talents from Hong Kong and Macao in talent introduction, equity incentive, technology investment, professional title evaluation, professional qualification recognition, children's education, and commercial medical insurance. Vigorously develop international human resource services, build an international talent database, create a human resource service industrial park, and allow qualified international talents who have obtained Chinese permanent residence permits to establish technology-based enterprises and serve as legal representatives of scientific research institutions. 


Editor & Translator: GUO Xinxin