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China issue a blueprint for the Beibu Gulf urban cluster during the 14th Five-Year Plan (Part 2)

2022-06-13 | & & Chinadaily

A cargo ship docks at Qinzhou Port in China-ASEAN Free Trade Area in Qinzhou, Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region. [Photo/Xinhua]


Give full play to the role of the New Western Land-sea Corridor, optimize the comprehensive three-dimensional transportation network layout, smooth the connection channel between trunk corridor and key hubs, improve the efficiency of transportation organization and logistics, and build a strategic corridor and gateway hub that connects the western region with the “Belt and Road” area. 

Build a modern port cluster in the Beibu Gulf. Speed up the construction of Beibu Gulf international gateway port, focusing on building a container transshipment base and a regional shipping service center in Qinzhou Port, a bulk commodity transshipment trading center in Fangchenggang Port, an ocean liner home port and a commercial cold chain logistics distribution center in Beihai Port. And build an international container terminal in Yangpu, Hainan province. Upgrade the bulk commodity transshipment function of Zhanjiang Port in Guangdong province, and advance the development of the transportation system of Haikou Port, Maoming Port, Yangjiang Port, etc. step by step. 

Smooth the land-sea transport corridor. Build Guiyang-Nanning high-speed railway and upgrade the Lanzhou-Haikou Expressway (G75). Study the connection project of Pinglu canal connecting Xijiang River and Beibu Gulf to build a new cross-waterway for transportation. Construct the connection projects of the Nanjing-Yulin-Guangzhan railway and the Hepu-Zhanjiang high-speed railway. Improve the navigation condition of the Xijiang River and the traffic condition of Quannan Expressway (G72). Construct the railway from Nanning to Pingxiang, and plan the construction of the Wenshan-Jingxi section of the railway extending from Yunnan to Guangxi province.

Improve the integrated intercity transportation network. Plan to build Zhanjiang-Haian (Haikou) high-speed railway, promote the construction of expressway from Nanning to Zhanjiang. Create an integrated investment and operation platform for RORO transport of the Qiongzhou Strait. Open the Guangxi coastal highway and the Hainan island-looping highway for tourism. 

Strengthen the integrated transport hub function. Upgrade the international service function of the integrated transport hub of Haikou, enhance the transfer organization capacity of integrated transport hubs and national logistics terminals such as Nanning, Zhanjiang, Qinzhou-Beihai-Fangchenggang, etc., gradually promote the construction of Yulin, Maoming, Yangjiang, Chongzuo, and other key hubs while encouraging the construction of port hubs along the borders such as Pingxiang and Dongxing. Make the Haikou Meilan International Airport a regional hub to serve the Pacific and Indian oceans, and the Nanning Wuxu International Airport a regional hub for ASEAN, build Nanning International Railway Port and improve the function of Zhanjiang new airport as an international aerodrome. 


Adhere to the development based on the production of the sea and integrated collaboration, take green and digital transformation as the development direction, and use the seaward economic development as an opportunity to improve the scales, structures and efficiency of the industry.

Establish a seaward economic system. Foster advantaged industrial cluster including high-end metal new materials, green chemical new materials, electronic information, light industry, energy, advanced equipment manufacturing, etc. to build a dominant industrial cluster base for the seaward development. Develop the emerging industries such as ship and marine engineering equipment, new marine materials, marine biomedicine, offshore wind power equipment, as well as modern service industries such as ocean logistics and marine tourism. Upgrade the traditional industries such as marine fishery and build a modern fishing port economic zone. Cooperate to establish a seaward economic pilot zone while encouraging Qiongzhou, Zhanjiang and Beihai to build marine economic demonstration belts or zones. 

Accelerate the development of the digital economy. Prepare and implement the digital Beibu Gulf construction plan, set up the layout of new infrastructure including the 5th generation mobile communication technology (5G) network, Internet of Things, data centers, etc, and establish the Nanning national Internet backbone direct connection point and a dedicated channel in Hainan for international Internet data. Carry out the digital transformation of petrochemical, iron and steel, and equipment industries, build serval industrial Internet platforms and digital transformation promotion centers with international standards. Promote the construction of the China-ASEAN Digital Economic Industrial Park, the “Hainan on Chain” Blockchain Pilot Zone, and the “Digital Valley in Western Guangdong” Big Data Industrial Park, and support Hainan to build a national digital services export base. Implement the smart marine project and expand the application of smart ports. Encourage the innovative development of Big Data as well as the industrial Internet. 

Undertake the layout and transfer of industries. Improve the unified policy to undertake industrial transfer for urban clusters, and support the establishment of industrial cooperation and development mechanisms for investment attraction, co-development and benefit-sharing. Undertake the consumer goods processing industry, electronic information, equipment manufacturing, and other industries for the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, the Beibu Gulf urban cluster should actively promote the construction of the “Two Bays” Industrial Integration Development Pilot Zone (Yulin in Guangxi province), Guangdong-Hainan (Xuwen) Special Cooperation Zone, Zhanjiang-Beihai Beibu Gulf Economic Cooperation Zone, etc. 

Intensify the cooperation on innovation in science and technology with ASEAN. Promote the cooperation on scientific and technological innovation in the Beibu Gulf, speed up the construction of the Beibu Gulf International Technology Transfer and Transformation Center, China-ASEAN Blockchain Application Innovation Laboratory, China-ASEAN Technology Transfer Center, Hainan National Technology Transfer Center, and other innovative platforms. Compile a special plan for scientific and technological innovation and reinforce the construction of key laboratories in oceanography, support the construction of innovation platforms for the institutions related to the ocean such as the Fourth Institute of Oceanography and Southern Sea Science and Engineering Laboratory in Guangdong Province (Zhanjiang). Actively encourage business startups and innovation and stimulate social creativity. Explore the establishment of new R&D institutions and research-based universities, and open “green lanes” to attract the talents from the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. 

Build a unified market. Accelerate the construction of market integration, improve the market system with high-standard and develop unified market access and supervision standard, and rescind policies and regulations that impede the development of a unified market and fair competition. Strengthen cross-regional and cross-departmental business collaboration and information sharing, establish a sound social credit system, and enhance the efficiency of commonly used government services. Deepen reforms to streamline administration and delegate power, improve regulation, and upgrade services. Fully implement the lists of power and obligations for the local governments, promote the new service management mode of “one-stop”, and provide a market-oriented, law-based and internationalized business environment. 


Adhere to the conservation of clear water as the bottom line that should not be crossed. Promote the development of green and low-carbon ways of working and living with the measures of origin management, regional environmental protection, prevention and control. 

Build a solid ecological security barrier integrating land and sea. Uphold the integrated conservation and restoration of mountains, rivers, forests, farmland, lakes, grasslands, deserts, glaciers, and snow mountains, accelerate the implementation of major ecological conservation and restoration projects and the forest quality enhancement project of the hilly area in South China, and build shelterbelts with progress. Intensify comprehensive efforts to stem soil erosion, and carry out prevention and control measures against water pollution in small drainage basins. Implement major ecological protection and restoration projects for the coastal zones and inland mudflats in terms of Fangchenggang East Bay, Beihai Lianzhou Bay, Zhanjiang Bay, Haikou Bay, Danzhou Bay, Beimen River estuary, etc. Launch the conservation and restoration projects of mangrove forests, and intensify the ecological restoration of mangrove forests, seagrass beds, salt marshes, coral reefs, and so on. Restore the shoreline and coastal wetlands and fully preserve the natural shoreline. Accelerate the integration and optimization of various types of nature reserves, strictly control non-ecological activities within the area of nature reserves, and strengthen the protection of rare and endangered wild animals and plants such as the dugong, Yangtze finless porpoise, water pine, etc. 

Endeavor to integrate environmental pollution prevention with control. Take the lead in establishing a holistic approach with coastal areas, river basins and marine areas integrated. Carry out comprehensive treatment of key areas in terms of Nanliu River, Qinjiang River and Jiuzhoujiang River, strictly control the pollution from non-point agricultural sources and offshore aquaculture. Increase the sewage and waste collection and treatment capacity in urban and rural areas, encourage the recycling of sewage and waste, promote the comprehensive solid waste utilization in coastal cities, and make progress in branding zero-waste cities. Coordinated control the hazardous airborne particles (PM2.5) and ozone (O3), strengthen the control and treatment of noise pollution and promote soil pollution control and safe utilization of farmland. Build a regional nuclear and radiation emergency rescue team and reserve goods center to guarantee the safety of nuclear facilities.  

Accelerate green and low-carbon transformation. Strictly limit the increase in coal consumption, and reasonably build advanced coal-fired power projects. Advance the development of a diversified low-carbon clean energy system, construct an offshore wind power base in the Beibu Gulf, deliver the photovoltaics and decentralized wind power projects based according to local conditions, and pursue the orderly development of nuclear power under the precondition of guaranteed safety in Fangchenggang, Changjiang, and Zhanjiang.  Implement the negative list for readjusting the industrial structure and shut down outdated production facilities under laws and regulations, speed up green and circular transformation of industries including steel, petrochemical, paper, and building materials at the port areas. Carry out measures to enhance the biological carbon sink capacity of forests, wetlands and oceans, and take the lead in developing a system for ecosystem carbon sink monitoring and accounting as well as the carbon sink trading. 

Efforts have been made to promote the establishment of the mechanism for realizing the value of ecological products. Improve the ecological conservation compensation mechanism of Jiuzhoujiang River, and accelerate the establishment of the ecological conservation compensation mechanism from upstream to downstream in the Pearl River-Xijiang River basin. Support the accounting of Gross Ecosystem Product (GEP). Strengthen the confirmation and registration of natural resource ownerships, encourage the construction of a trading platform and service system for natural resource assets, and improve the compensated transfer system of natural resource assets. 





Edited and translated by Guo Xinxin