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China unveils plan to advance agricultural, rural modernization (Part 3)

2022-04-26 | &

 A farmer uses a machine to plant soybeans in Bozhou, Anhui province. [China Daily/ Liu Qinli]


6.2 Enhancing the agricultural quality, efficiency, and competitiveness by promoting innovation-driven development.

To further advance the innovation of agriculture science and technology, to improve the operation mechanism, to promote the cultivation of varieties, quality improvement, branding, and standardized production, and to continuously improve the development of agriculture, animal husbandry, and fishery.

Support for modern agriculture technology will be bolstered. To strive to make key technological breakthroughs in agriculture, to improve the support mechanism for basic research in the field of agriculture technology, and to strengthen the construction of agriculture basic theory, scientific research infrastructure, observation of fixed station network, and resource ecological monitoring system. To expand the strategic science and technology capabilities, strengthen the construction of the national modern agriculture industry technology system, deepen the reform of the agriculture technology system, and promote the integrated arrangement of projects, bases, talents, and funds in key sectors. To promote deeper integration of technologies with industries, and to encourage the formation of a national agriculture technology innovation alliance as well as a national modern agriculture technology innovation center. Besides, rural revitalization with technological support activities should be carried out.

Seed industry vitalization will be promoted. To strengthen the protection of germplasm resources, to conduct the census of crop germplasm resources, livestock and poultry genetic resources, and aquaculture germplasm resources, and to establish a national germplasm resource center for crops, forest and grass, livestock and poultry, marine and freshwater fishery. Carry out the breeding innovation research, promote research in the seed industry and implement a new round of livestock and poultry genetic improvement plans and modern seed industry upgrading projects. To strengthen the establishment of seed industry bases including national and provincial seed production bases. Accelerate the building of high-quality farmland, and continuously implement the incentive policy for excellent seed production counties. Strengthening the seed industry market supervision, including tightening the seed varieties management, raising the approval requirement for staple agriculture crops, establishing an identity system for agriculture crops, and protecting intellectual property rights.

Improving the R&D and application ability of agricultural machinery and equipment. Strengthen the weakness in the research process of agricultural machinery and equipment, emphasize the research and application of agricultural machinery, and create first-class enterprises and famous brands for agricultural machinery and equipment. To promote all-around development in mechanizing agriculture. To improve the system for full mechanization of crop production, to speed up the integration of varieties, cultivation, and equipment, to increase the support for intelligent, high-end, safe agricultural machinery and equipment, and to develop a new mode of agricultural machinery service in terms of 'full mechanization plus comprehensive farming'.

Establishing a stronger modern agricultural operation system. To expand new agricultural operation entities, implement a family farm incubation program, and transform agricultural entrepreneurs into dynamic family farms. To improve the professional and socialized service system. To develop a sound professional and socialized agricultural service, form integrated service combinations and alliances, and introduce suitable agricultural varieties, inputs, technologies, and equipment to small-scale rural households.

6.3 Building a modern rural industry system and enhancing the modernization of industrial and supply chains.

Commit agriculture-centered approach, take helping the farmers to find jobs and increase income as the basic approach, speed up the integrated development of primary, secondary and tertiary industries in rural areas, keep the main body of the industrial chain in the county, and leave employment opportunities and value-added benefits of the industrial chain to farmers.

Optimizing the rural industrial layout. To improve the rural industrial system based on agricultural and rural resources with a focus on farmers, to promote the modern breeding industry, rural characteristic industry, agricultural products processing and circulation industry, rural leisure tourism, new rural service industry, rural information industry, etc. to form a rural industry system with distinctive features, various types, and coordinated development. Advance the coordinated development of counties, towns, and villages. Strengthen the overall planning of the county and form a rural industrial structure layout with the function of the county, central town, and central village aligned.

Promoting the integrated development of rural industrial parks. To support the counties, county-level cities, and districts to build modern agricultural industrial parks and demonstration zones, to accelerate the construction of the demonstration town, the town with agricultural industrial advantages, and industrial cluster with advantageous characteristics. Increase the integrated development level of the agricultural industry. To build a whole agricultural industrial chain relying on the rural advantageous characteristic resources.

Facilitating the development of new industries and new business modes in rural areas. To improve rural leisure tourism, to build several rural leisure counties, rural leisure parks, and rural tourism towns and villages by leveraging the advantages of resources in terms of idyllic scenery, clean waters and green mountains, village houses, rural culture, folk customs, and so on. To develop a new service industry in the rural areas, to actively develop the productive service industry, and to encourage market entities such as warehousing and logistics, equipment leasing, marketing, and information consultation to extend their service outlets to rural areas. To promote the development of rural e-commerce and to expand the coverage of e-commerce in rural areas. To help to nurture rural e-commerce business entities and to introduce e-commerce business, logistics, commerce, finance, supply and marketing, postal and express services to deploy in rural areas.

Advancing rural entrepreneurship and innovation. Support rural migrant workers, secondary and tertiary specialized school graduates, demobilized military personnel, scientists and technicians, and industrial and commercial businesses to return to their hometowns and start a business, encourage rural talents to work or start a business, and promote all kinds of urban talents to devote themselves in rural industrial development.

6.4 Implementing rural construction actions and making rural areas suitable to live and work in.

Placing rural construction in an important position of socialist modernization, striving to promote rural construction actions focusing on faster traffic, convenient life, high-quality service, and better environment, and building new homes suitable to live and work in for farmers.

Scientifically promoting rural planning. To improve the planning layout of the counties, towns, and villages, strengthen the management of the national territorial plan at the county level, and promote the county-level integrated planning of industrial development, infrastructure, public services, eco-environment protection, etc. To encourage the planning of villages according to the classification of villages such as agglomeration and upgrading, urban-rural integration, characteristic protection, and relocation. With the principle of planning first, to construct the villages with better living space, traditional features, and rural scenes.

Strengthening rural infrastructure construction. To improve the rural transportation system by promoting rural traffic construction projects, such as village fire escapes, rural traffic management, and maintenance systems, traffic safety protection facilities, etc. To enhance the water supply, to plan the layout of water source and supply facilities, strengthen the water source projects protection and water supply projects, and increase the tap water coverage in rural areas. To promote clean energy utilization in rural areas, to increase the electricity use in rural areas, and to build a clean energy utilization system based on renewable energy. To build a rural logistics system and improve the logistics and distribution system at the country, town, and village levels.

Improving and upgrading the rural living environment. To promote rural toilet revolution according to local conditions. To plan the layout of the rural public toilet, accelerate the construction of public toilets in rural tourist attractions, improve the construction management system of rural toilets, and implement the project quality responsibility system. To create proper facilities for treating domestic sewage, eliminate black and fetid water bodies in rural areas, and coordinate the construction and maintenance of domestic sewage in urban and rural areas. To improve the long-term mechanism for the treatment of rural household waste, promote garbage sorting and reduction, to explore effective paths for treatment and recovery of resources from the household waste in rural areas. To upgrade the living environment of villages via the delivery of village cleaning and greening actions and the improvement of rural house design and construction quality.

Accelerating the construction of digital villages. To build more digital information infrastructure in rural areas, implement rural digital building projects, support the digital information and communication infrastructure building in rural and remote areas, and build a comprehensive digital service system for the rural areas. To develop smart agriculture, establish and promote the application of agricultural and rural big data systems, and build digital countryside, digital irrigation areas, and smart farms, pastures, and fisheries. To facilitate the digitalization of rural service management, offer a better rural digital service system with on-site occasion supplemented with online links, and promote the extension of e-government services to the rural primary levels. Strengthen the digitalization of education, medical care, and culture and encourage the opening and sharing of public service resources between urban and rural areas.

Enhancing basic public service in rural areas. To increase the rural education quality, including increasing resources for public-interest preschool education via multiple channels while improving relative guarantee mechanism, strengthening the building of rural teachers, and developing the online education for the rural people. To build healthy rural areas, including strengthening the primary medical care systems in rural areas in terms of upgrading the facilities and medical service capabilities of rural clinics, and improving the rural public sports venues and facilities. To improve the rural elderly care service system such as integrating the elderly care service network at the county, town, and villages levels, promoting the renovation of the rural retirement home, developing all-inclusive elderly care services with mutual assistance, and increasing the support for community-based service centers for elderly home-care. To offer better comprehensive service in rural areas, to construct comprehensive service facilities to provide convenient service facilities, and to offer employment and social security, social assistance, health and care, legal consultation, and other public services.

Expanding rural consumption. Take multi-measures to increase income, support rural residents to develop modern industries with unique characteristics to enrich them, improve the interest connection mechanism and enable the farmers to share more industrial value-added benefits. Build an urban-rural integrated labor market and ensure rural migrant workers receive equal pay for the same work as urban workers. To implement rural consumption promotion actions, to encourage rural residents to renew their durable consumer goods. To support the expansion of online shopping, mobile payment, and other new consumption business modes, to enhance the wills of consumption of rural residents. To make the most of the rural consumption environment, to strengthen the construction of rural markets, improve the rural business and service networks, optimize the layout of wholesale markets, distribution centers, and shops within the county areas, and promote sound rural market procedures.

6.5 Strengthening the rural eco-environmental construction and building green and beautiful rural areas.

Boost rural revitalization through green development. Promote green and low-carbon transformation of rural production and lifestyle, realize more efficient resource utilization and cleaner origin environment, more stable ecosystem, and pursue harmonious co-existence with nature.

Promoting high-quality and green in agriculture production. To improve agriculture standards and establish a high-quality agriculture development standard system, build agricultural standard demonstration areas, and facilitate the standardization of the entire industrial chain of modern agriculture. To strengthen the inspection of agriculture product quality and safety, deliver quality and safety projects, improve the quality and safety supervision system, strengthen the primary inspection and build better testing teams with the implementation of gridded management and smart supervision. To enhance the support capacity of green development, encourage the construction of national agricultural green development demonstration zones, and explore a typical mode of agricultural green development with different ecological types and staple varieties.

Controlling over pollution from non-point agricultural sources. To encourage farmers to use chemical fertilizer and pesticides more efficiently, to popularize efficient fertilizer application techniques. By 2025, the utilization rate of chemical fertilizer and pesticides for staple crops will reach more than 43%. To promote the recycling of agriculture waste, to support the development of the organic combination of planting and breeding, to continue to carry out the recycling of livestock and poultry waste, and strengthen the construction of large-scale breeding farm manure treatment facilities. To control the farmland pollution, such as to carry out soil pollution surveys and implement farmland quality classified management.

Protecting and restoring rural ecosystems. Strengthen the protection of the agricultural resources in terms of deepening the reform of agricultural water prices. Improve systems for regeneration of croplands, grasslands, forests, rivers, and lakes. To develop ecological construction objectives such as afforestation, to strengthen the control of desertification, rock desertification, soil erosion, and ecological pollution of rivers, lakes, and wetlands. To strengthen the capacity for agricultural emissions reduction and carbon sequestration, to adopt green and low-carbon, energy-saving, and environmentally friendly new technologies and new products, to boost the carbon sink capacity of ecosystems. To promote eco-environmental protection in key areas. To deliver ecological protection and restoration of aquatic biological resources and water ecology of the Yangtze River, to carry out pollution control from non-point agricultural sources of the Yangtze River and Yellow River, etc.



Edited and translated by GUO Xinxin