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China unveils plan to advance agricultural, rural modernization (Part 2)

2022-04-11 | &

A reaper harvests wheat in the fields of Pingyi County, Linyi City, east China's Shandong Province. [Photo/by Xinhua]


4.1 Guiding Ideology

Guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, we must fully implement the guiding principles from the 19th CPC National Congress and all plenary sessions of the 19th CPC Central Committee, ensure coordinated implementation of the Five-Sphere Integrated Plan and the Four-Pronged Comprehensive Strategy, fully implement all major policies and plans made by the Party Central Committee and the State Council, act on the general principle of pursuing progress while ensuring stability, base itself in a new stage of development, apply the new development philosophy in full, in the right way, and in all fields of endeavor, create a new pattern of development, prioritize the development of agriculture and rural areas, adhere to the integrated design and implementation of agricultural modernization and rural modernization, focus on the main theme of high-quality development, keep supply of major commodities stable, revitalize rural areas to facilitate smooth flows in the economy, deepen the agricultural supply-side structural reform, and place rural construction in the forefront of building a modern socialist country. To consolidate and expand the achievements made in poverty alleviation in coordination with the extensive drive for rural vitalization, to fully promote the revitalization of rural industry, talent, culture, ecology, and organization, to speed up the achievement of a new type of relations between industry and agriculture and between urban and rural areas in which agriculture and industry benefit each other, urban and rural areas support each other. The new relations will promote the efficiency and quality of the agricultural sector, make rural areas suitable to live and work in, ensure that farmers are affluent and well-off, and provide powerful support for building a modern socialist country in an all-around way.

4.2 Work Principles

Adhere to enhance Party leadership on agricultural and rural affairs. Unwavering efforts must be taken to guarantee that issues connected to agriculture, rural areas, and rural people are prioritized on the CPC's work agenda. Party secretaries at the provincial, city, county, township, and village levels have all worked toward the same goal. Improving the Party's organizational, institutional, and functioning mechanisms in order to better lead rural activity and move agricultural and rural modernisation forward in the proper manner.

Adhere to implement the new development philosophy and serve and integrate itself into the new development paradigm. Ensure that the new development philosophy is fully implemented in every step and facet of development, in both letter and spirit. Serving and integrating the new development pattern that is focused on the home economy but has a beneficial interplay between domestic and foreign economic flows in a proactive manner.

Adhere to the development of agricultural and rural areas as a top priority. Strengthening policy supply, ensuring agriculture and rural growth in terms of capital investment, factor allocation, basic public service, and talent support, as well as developing rural infrastructure.

Adhere to reinforce the rural people's primary position. Establishing the concept of people first, protecting rural people's economic interests, ensuring rural people's political rights, and fostering farmers' passion, initiative, and innovation in order to continue achieving their aspiration for a better life.

Adhere to the integration of development and security. Insist on pursuing a holistic approach to national security, adopting bottom-line thinking, leveraging agriculture, rural areas, and rural people as a ballast stone, and preventing and resolving various dangers harming agricultural and rural regions' modernization.

Adhere to reform and innovation. Accelerating the reform in key fields and sectors, removing institutional mechanism obstacles that restrict the integrated development of urban and rural areas, promoting the transformation of agricultural scientific and technological achievements into productivity, and enhancing the development of agriculture and rural areas.

Adhere to the system concept. Coordinating both domestic and international conditions, overall planning the developments of the economy, politics, culture, society, ecology, and the Party in rural regions, thoroughly fostering the modernization of agricultural and rural areas.

Adhere to the promotion depending on the local requirements and classification. To scientifically seize and rein in variations in agricultural and rural development, to keep historical patience, to guide by categorization, to execute policies in various regions, and to promote rural modernization in various regions and stages via pragmatic and continuous efforts.


The plan outlines that by 2025, the foundation of agriculture is expected to be further consolidated, comprehensive progress is expected in rural vitalization and significant advancement is expected in modernizing agricultural and rural areas. Regions with better conditions will take the lead in basically realizing agricultural and rural modernization while consolidating and expanding the achievements in poverty alleviation will be effectively aligned with rural vitalization in regions that have shaken off poverty.

The supply of grain and other staple agricultural products will be guaranteed. To steadily increase grain production capacity with grain output of over 650 million metric tons, ensure China is "basically self-sufficient in grain, with the supply of staple food safe. Hog production is stable and improved, cotton, oil, sugar, and aquatic products develop steadily, and other staple agricultural products maintain a reasonable level of self-sufficiency.

The quality, efficiency, and competitiveness of the agriculture industry will be enhanced. The agriculture production structure and regional layout will be significantly optimized, the material, technical, and equipment conditions will be continuously improved, the level of scale, intensification, standardization, and digitalization should be increased, and the supply capacity of green and high-quality agricultural products should be enhanced. The industry chain and supply chain should be upgraded and the modern rural industrial system will be formed.

New progress will be made in rural infrastructure construction. Rural construction actions will achieve good results, the layout of villages will be optimized, rural living facilities will be improved, and the level of equalization of basic public services will be steadily improved in urban and rural areas.

The rural ecological environment will be significantly improved. The overall living environment in rural areas will be improved, agricultural pollution will be effectively controlled, the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides should continue to decrease, the efficiency of resource utilization will be steadily improved, and the green and low-carbon transformation in the ways of working and living will achieve positive progress in rural areas.

The governance capacity in the rural areas will be further enhanced. The leadership of the Communist Party of China in rural communities should be strengthened, the rural governance capacity system will be further improved, the level of rural civilization should be greatly enhanced, the intellectual and cultural lives of farmers will be continuously enriched, and the security of rural development will be powerfully supported.

The income of rural residents will be increased steadily. The channels for increasing farmers' income will be widened, the growth of per capita disposable income of rural residents will keep pace with the growth of GDP, and the income gap between urban and rural residents will be narrowed. Farmers' intellectual and cultural quality and employment skills will be improved, and the number of high-quality agricultural personnel will be increased.

Anti-poverty achievement will be consolidated and expanded. The policy system and working mechanism of poverty alleviation will be in coordination with the rural revitalization strategy, the achievement of 'Two Assurance and Three Guarantee' for the out-of-poverty population should be effectively consolidated, the dynamic monitoring of any trends indicating a return to poverty and associated support mechanism will be improved and effectively operated to ensure that people do not sink back into poverty in large numbers.

According to the Plan, the country is expected to make decisive progress in comprehensive rural revitalization, and generally achieve agricultural and rural modernization by 2035.


'Three Enhancements, Three Constructions, and One Articulation' are the major tasks of the strategy to develop agricultural and rural modernization.

6.1 Consolidating the foundation of agricultural production and enhancing the supply guarantee level of grain and other staple agricultural products.

To fully implement the national food security strategy and staple agricultural products guarantee strategy, to strengthen the industry chain and supply chain in terms of production, storage, and circulation, to establish a scientific and effective guarantee system for the supply of staple agricultural products, and to consolidate the material foundation for agricultural and rural modernization.

Stabilizing the grain planted area. Grain security should be held firmly accountable by governments and related authorities at all levels. To carry out the same obligation as party committees and governments in refining the evaluation indicators for various grain producing areas. To put into action the layout plan for staple agricultural items as well as the production supply strategy for various types. To increase grain production capacity and maintain the red line of assuring basic grain self-sufficiency and absolute staple food security. To improve policies to support grain production, such as those aimed at stabilizing farmer subsidies and purchase prices. Improving the compensation system for the interests of the key grain production regions, encouraging different modes of production, and promoting marketing cooperation between the main production areas and the main consuming areas. To grow rice, wheat, corn, soybean, potato, and various grain crops under local conditions by optimizing the planting structure of grain kinds.

Strengthening the farmland protection and quality construction. To ensure that China's total of 120 million hectares of farmland is a reliable figure. To practice the strictest farmland protection system, to strengthen the control of farmland function, and to practice permanent farmland special protection. To identify the priority of farmland utilization, permanent farmland should be focused on grain production development. The supervision of land use transfer should be strengthened. The high-quality farmland construction should be encouraged. To press ahead with the new high-quality farmland construction plan, ensuring that the high-quality farmland is properly defined and incorporated into the territorial spatial plan map. The farmland quality needs to be improved. To carry out the national black soil protection project, to encourage conservative farming in accordance with local conditions and to offer farmland protection and quality enhancement initiatives Improving farmland quality monitoring and supervision mechanisms, as well as tightly controlling the verification and management of new farmland.

Ensuring a sufficient supply of other staple agricultural products. To develop modern animal husbandry, promote standardized large-scale breeding, and vigorously develop grass-fed husbandry. To strengthen the construction of dairy bases, steadily develop the poultry industry, and promote the specialized production of forage. To speed up the transformation and upgrading of fisheries by enhancing associated protection mechanisms and managing the approval of licenses or certificates To encourage green and healthy aquaculture, to rationally organize the structure of offshore aquaculture. and to support the development of deep-sea aquaculture. Build fishing port economic zones and strengthen the management of fishing ports. To promote the diversification of fruit, vegetable, and tea production. To develop protected agriculture, woods and fruits, Chinese herbal medicine, edible fungus, and other specific industries. To coordinate tea culture, tea industry, and tea technology with the goal of improving the tea industry development quality.

Optimizing the layout of agricultural production. More efforts will be devoted to improving the construction of food production areas, and policies to assist food production areas will be developed. Increasing agricultural funds to promote good production areas to plant the scheduled crops. To build a green, high-quality, and effective national good security industry belt based on the major grain production counties and regions with suitable conditions. To strengthen the construction of staple agricultural products production reserves and characteristic agricultural products advantageous areas. To emphasize the importance of technical assistance, quality control, branding, and marketing in these advantageous areas.

Coordinating to promote regional agricultural development. Serving major national strategies. The entire industry chain and value chain of agriculture and husbandry in the western region will be promoted, the development of characteristic agriculture in the southwest hilly and mountainous region will be accelerated, the large-scale modern agriculture in the northeast region will be encouraged to develop, the major grain production base in the central region will be consolidated. Furthermore, the concentration advantage of innovative factors in the eastern region should be highlighted to function as a pioneer in modernizing agriculture. Promoting agricultural growth in key regions, including the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, the Yangtze River Delta, the Hainan Free Trade Port, and the Chengdu-Chongqing economic circle, to form a modern characteristic agricultural belt with high-efficiency.

Increasing agricultural risk resistance. Improving agricultural disaster prevention and mitigation capabilities, for example, by strengthening the construction of flood control projects and encouraging the establishment of an agricultural meteorological monitoring network. Give agriculture insurance a role in reducing post-disaster damage. To enhance the market regulation capability of staple agricultural products, further reform of agricultural products collection and storage system, develop the grain and other staple agricultural products monitoring and pre-warning system, and carry out food saving activities. To stabilize the international agricultural product supply chain and implement the strategy of diversifying the import of agricultural products. Safeguard the process of agricultural production. The agricultural production safety system should be strengthened and the whole process of the production safety management system should be established. In addition, a three-year drive to promote agricultural production safety will be carried out to avoid major and serious accidents.




Edited and translated by GUO Xinxin