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China issues “Outline of the Yellow River Basin's Ecological Protection and High-quality Development Plan” (Part 3)

2022-01-10 | Xinhua &

Aerial photo shows flowing ice on the Yellow River in Ordos, north China's Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. [Xinhua/Lian Zhen]


7. Building a modern industrial system with distinctive advantages

Relying on a strong domestic market, to accelerate supply-side structural reform, to increase investment in scientific and technological innovation, to strengthen special industries based on the conditions of resources, special advantages, and development in different regions, to speed up the conversion of old and new drives, to promote high-quality development of manufacturing industries and the transformation of resource-based industries, and achieve the goal to build a modern industrial system with distinctive advantages.

Enhancing the support capacity in scientific and technological innovation. Scientific and technological innovation in the ecological environment protection of the Yellow River should be carried out, and more research on key issues in the ecological environment of the Yellow River basin is needed, especially on water security, ecological environment protection, vegetation restoration, water and sediment regulation, etc.

Further improving and strengthening the agricultural and animal husbandry. To consolidate the vital role of the Yellow River basin in safeguarding food security, to stabilize the cultivation area, and to increase grain production and quality.

Building a national energy base. Optimizing the layout of energy development and reasonably determining the production in the energy sector in accordance with the carrying capacity of water resources and ecological environment.

Speeding up the development of strategic emerging industries and advanced manufacturing industries. Focusing on regions along the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River with a strong foundation in industries, establishing a strategic emerging industrial cooperation platform to provide effective connection, coordination, and integration in the process of production, supply and demand. Promoting the upgrade of the industrial system and the reconstruction of basic capabilities, so as to create competitive industrial clusters.

8. Building a new pattern of regional urban-rural development

Enlarging the regional comparative advantages, promoting the megacity to compact, gradually building large and medium-sized cities, encouraging towns to fill the gaps to accelerate the process of urbanization, implementing the rural revitalization strategy, and building a development pattern of regional, cities, urban-rural areas with own characteristics to position, coordinate, and facilitate.

Building city clusters along the Yellow River with high quality and high standards. To break down the barriers to the flow of resource elements across regions and sectors, to promote the efficient transfer of production factors such as land and capital, improve the economic and population carrying capacity of city clusters along the Yellow River, to create growth poles for high-quality development in the Yellow River basin, and to build pilot zones of ecological protection and high-quality development in the basin.

Further taking forward county development according to local conditions. To develop the county economy, to classify and build industrial platforms such as special industrial parks, rural migrant worker's hometown entrepreneurship parks, cold-chain logistics facilities for storage and preservation of agricultural products to encourage innovation-driven business start-ups in rural areas.

Building a beautiful, ecological, and harmonious countryside. Based on the local characteristics and regional features of the Yellow River basin, further implementing rural revitalization strategy, scientifically planning the layout of the countryside, promoting vernacular architecture, developing rural leisure tourism, encouraging to build a concentrated, ecological, harmonious, and beautiful countryside, while integrating the natural landscape of mountains, rivers, forests, farmland, lakes, grasslands, and deserts in the Yellow River basin.

9. Strengthening infrastructure interconnection

Building the new types of infrastructure such as digital information, improving cross-regional important infrastructure system in terms of transportation and energy, raising the level of interconnection among the upper, middle and lower reaches, city clusters, and different regions, promoting the population to move, the logistics to transport, the information to exchange.

Accelerating the construction of new types of infrastructure. With the focus on information infrastructure, to strengthen the basin-wide coordination and trans-regional interconnection, to optimize the spatial layouts, to enhance the development of new types of infrastructure. To speed up the construction of the fifth generation of the network while extending the scenario application, and realize the full deployment of Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) in large and medium-sized cities along the Yellow River, to expand the coverage of gigabit fibers and above, and to enhance the functions of national Internet exchange points such as Zhengzhou, Xi'an, Hohhot, etc.

Building a convenient, intelligent, green, and safe integrated transportation network. Optimizing and upgrading the functions of existing general-speed railways, high-speed railways, highways, and main and lateral airports, planning to construct a number of new major projects to accelerate the formation of the modern transportation network of the Yellow River basin with lined-shape, converse-U-shape, and cross-shaped. Filling the missing lines and unblocking bottleneck sections to realize efficient connectivity between urban and rural areas.

Consolidating the construction of major trans-regional corridors. To strengthen the construction of a major channel from the "Ji" bend area of the Yellow River to Beijing and Tianjin, to promote the construction of railways from Xiong'an to Xinzhou, Tianjin to Weifang (Yantai), to easily connect the Yellow River basin with Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region.

10. Conserving and inheriting the Yellow River culture

Efforts should be made to conserve the cultural heritage along the Yellow River, and sustaining the historical legacy, exploring the Yellow River's value of the new era, enhancing the supply of public cultural products and services, and meeting the people's spiritual and cultural needs.

Systematical conserving the cultural heritage along the Yellow River. To carry out identification and registration of cultural resources of the Yellow River based on clear knowledge of the actual situation of cultural relics, intangible cultural heritage, ancient books.

Inheriting cultural genes of the Yellow River. To implement the project aimed at tracing the origins of Chinese civilization, to systematically research and sort out the development of the Yellow River culture, and to fully demonstrate the multi-origin and diversity of the Yellow River culture.

Better telling the Yellow River's stories of the new era. To launch the national image promotion action of "China Yellow River", to increase the appeal of the Yellow River culture, to highlight the historical richness, and fully display the real and developed Yellow River basin to the international community.

Creating a Yellow River cultural tourism belt with international influence. To integrate the culture and tourism and make the cultural tourism as the pillar industry. To strengthen the regional integration and cooperation of resources, to promote the tourism development of the basin, and create a batch of iconic tourist attractions that include the Yellow River cultural elements.

11. Shoring up weak links regarding people's livelihoods

Focusing on the underdeveloped areas in the upper and middle reaches of the Yellow River, promoting employment and entrepreneurship through multi-channel, strengthening the provision of basic public services meeting essential needs, ensuring basic living standards with equal access, enhancing the capacity and level of public service provision, further ensuring and improving people's livelihoods, and making people gain a stronger sense of fulfillment, happiness and security.

To enhance preparedness and capacity for coping with major public health emergencies. To combine prevention, control with treatment, to establish a response mechanism for public health emergencies in the basin, to the well coordinate epidemic investigation, monitoring, and analysis, information notification, prevention, control and treatment, resource deployment, etc., and to build a grid-based line of defense in epidemic prevention and control to secure full implementation of response measures.

To accelerate the development of education and medical services. To formulate more preferential policies on education, to improve the conditions in badly built and poorly operated schools providing compulsory education of the upper and middle reaches, and to effectively implement the requirement that the average salary of compulsory education teachers should not be lower than the average income of local civil servants.

Formulate more favorable policies and measures to support the improvement of the conditions for running schools in the upper and middle reaches of public compulsory education, and effectively ensure that the salaries of public primary and middle school teachers are not lower than those of local government officials in the same region.

Enhancing the capacity to guarantee basic livelihoods. To stabilize and expand employment by all means, to strengthen the support of employment in key industries and certain groups, to attract college graduates to participate in the ecological protection of the Yellow River, to support veterans and rural migrant workers to work in ecological and environmental protection, rural tourism, etc., and to give play to major projects such as afforestation, infrastructure, and pollution control to boost local employment.

Improving the development capacity of special areas. With a focus on ethnic minority areas of upper and middle reaches, old revolutionary base areas, and ecologically fragile areas, to promote both poverty alleviation and rural revitalization in an all-out effort, to consolidate the achievements of poverty alleviation, and to help people who have risen out of poverty move toward prosperity.

12. Accelerating to make progress in reform and opening up

Deepening reform while expanding opening up, so that the market can play a decisive rather than a supportive role in resource allocation, while the government can fulfill its role better. Strengthening the comprehensive administrative system and capacity building of the Yellow River, accelerating efforts to form an opening up new pattern to enhance the high-quality development level of the Yellow River basin.

Improving the administrative system of the Yellow River basin. To form an administrative system that is coordinated by the central government, cooperated by different departments, implemented by the local authorities, and integrated by all participants, to achieve integrated planning and design, unified policies and criteria, coordinated ecological protection, comprehensive supervision, and enforcement. To deepen the reform of administrations of the basin, to relieve public institutions of government functions, keep public institutions away from business activities, and let public institutions run their day-to-day operations while maintaining supervision over them. To strengthen the functions of the Yellow River Conservancy Commission of the Ministry of Water Resources in flood prevention, monitoring, operation, supervision in the basin, to achieve full coverage of the main streams and tributaries.

Calling for improving the mechanism to realize the value of ecological products. To establish a mechanism to realize the value of ecological products in the Yellow River basin that integrates vertical and horizontal, compensation and reparation, government and market.

Advancing market-oriented reforms. To focus on optimizing the business environment of the provinces and regions along the Yellow River, to generate a list of improvement measures, and to implement one by one. To further reform to streamline administration and delegate power, improve regulation, and upgrade services, completely borrow advanced experience and practices from successful areas, and encourage to create faster and efficient government services environment, to enable people process matters without the need for a second visit.

Deeply advancing cooperation under the Belt and Road Initiative. To promote the construction of free trade zones in relevant provinces and regions along the Yellow River with high-level standards, and give greater autonomy to reform and opening up.

Improving inter-regional cooperation and opening up mechanism. To encourage the coordinated water conservation and ecological conservation and restoration in adjacent areas such as Qinghai, Sichuan, and Gansu province, to build a central area for ecological protection and water conservation of the Yellow River basin.




Edited and translated by Guo Xinxin