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SMALL SCALE, BIG LIFE: small-scale regeneration projects on old communities renovation in Beijing

2021-07-29 | Beijing Municipal Commission of Planning and Natural Resources

To make the city livable for all people, Beijing started a program in 2019, named SMALL SCALE, BIG LIFE. This program aims to improve people's living environment in the old communities by conducting a series of small-scale regeneration projects. Until now, 8 small-scale projects have been completed and put in use.

Project 1: Public open space in Min'an community, Beixinqiao Neighbourhood, Dongcheng District- a courtyard full of laughter 

This community was built in 2003 as return houses for the replacement projects. There are 706 households. The public open space in this community is 4113 sq. meters in a U shape as shown by the following figure. 


Site of this project 


Sketchup model of this project

Before the renovation, this community was facing many problems, such as a lack of public space and sunshine, safety problems, messy issue of garbage collection and parking space shortage. 


Photos of the courtyard before renovation

This small-scale regeneration project aims to make the courtyard be full of laughter. Taking the residents' requirements for a public open space into consideration, the project studied the characteristics of site and focused on the grey space in the center of courtyard. 

In the design, the roof of an old one-story building is changed to be a two-story platform. On one hand, the second floor can have more sunshine and provide more space for children and elderly people to do outdoor exercises. On the other hand, the ground floor has more space for bicycle parking and electric bicycle charging and also provides sheltered public space for the residents. A long ramp was built on the vacant space to make the platform barrier-free. On the North-west of the courtyard, this project built a playground under the trees for residents to do daily physical exercises. The wall under platform is designed as an exhibition place to show the history and culture of Hutong communities.


Photos after renovation

Project 2: Public space in Changdian 11 community, Dashila Neighbourhood, Xicheng District- the home of happiness

This community was built in 1984, by the telecommunications bureau for their staff. There are 206 households. The renovated public space site is 3134 sq. meters.


Site of this project 


Design sketch of this project

Problems before the renovation include the garbage collection, dangerous outdoor cables and a lack of public space. There was an old building (800 sq. meters) occupied by old and useless bikes. 


Photos before renovation

This project aims to renovate this place to be a happy home to strengthen the connection between people and the CPC. Based on the problems and residents' requirements, this project renovated the indoor and outdoor public space of the old community. 

This project built double-deck bike parking lots on the east part of the site, which provides charging piles for electric bicycles. The building on the north of site was renewed to be a service center of the community, its functions including an activity center, dining room for elderly people, barrier-free restrooms and reading room for kids. The outdoor space was also renovated. The old flower terraces were replaced by walkable grass, a synthetic walking trace and benches. The vacancy space on the west of heat exchange station now becomes a playground for kids.


Photos after renovation

Project 3: public space on the west of No. 6 building, Huitong St., Xiaoguan Neighborhood, Chaoyang District--smile at the street corner 

The site is a requisition land that planned to be a parking lot for a metro station, but hasn't been put in use for years. It is 1969 sq. meters. 

Because this site is close to the metro station, in the morning and evening rush hours, this place would be crowded with people. It was vacant land with problems with safety and cityscape. 


Site of this project 


Design sketch of this project

Photos before renovation

This project made an integrated design of this site and the public transport station. The designers studied how people passed and stayed in this site differently during the day and night, and accordingly made the design. Some public arts such as HaHa mirrors were placed on this site to improve the place's vitality. In this project, a small-scale sunken plaza with the concept of water sensitive design becomes the new public space of the city. Considering most of the residents are factory workers, the designers chose the landscape furniture made of concrete, which shows the history of this community.   

 Photos after renovation

Project 4: public space on the south of No. 1 building, Mudanyuan community, Huayuanlu Neighborhood, Haidian District-Peony Garden

This site is a typical public space in a high-density community. The site is with an area of 4928 sq. meters in a community of 2144 households.

  Site of this project


Design sketch of this project

Before the renovation, the public space in this community was scattered and rarely used. The bicycle parking shelter was old and shabby. The place had no identity and couldn't show the characteristics of this community. Also, parking is a big problem there. 


Photos before renovation

Focusing on the parking problem, designers first studied the existing parking lots and the number of cars in this community, and then re-organized the parking space for cars and bicycles to make the space used more efficiently. Some illegal buildings and shelters were demolished and rebuilt as open spaces for kids and elderly people. The separated green space now has become a flower garden. The old trees were reserved and numbers of peonies were planted to make a charming small garden to the old community.


Photos after renovation

Project 5: public space in Zhujiafen community, Changxindian Neighborhood, Fengtai District

This project made renovation on two sites with a total area of 1368 sq. meters. This project is located in an old community which was built in 1946, where are more than 6000 households.


Site of this project

The north site was a vacant land that used to be surrounded by fences and stacked full of wastes. The south site was occupied by illegal constructions for a long time. After the illegal buildings were demolished, this site was vacant as well.  


Photos before renovation

This project made the north site a window to show the history and culture of this community. A sculpture designed like a drill, aims to show the spirit of people who lives there. The south site is designed to be a playground, meeting the residents' requirements and improve the living environment of old community. 


Photos after renovation

Project 6: public space in Lao Shandong Libei community, Laoshan Neighborhood, Shijingshan District-a meeting place

This project is located in a community that the staff of Shougang Group lives. There are 6483 households in total and the site of this project is 3033 sq. meters. 

Before the renovation, this place has little relations with the culture of the community and has no place identity. Its landscape is dull and the built environment needs to be improved.


Photos before renovation

This project changed the site to an outdoor playground for people of all ages. The facilities and landscape design show the culture of steel and iron work in this place. 


Photos after renovation

Project 7: public space near No. 12 building, Yutaoyuan 3 community, Xinjiekou Neighborhood, Xicheng District-a homeland for all ages

This community was built in the 1990s as return houses for the replacement projects. The site is 3804 sq. meters located in this community. 


Site of this project

This community had no property management for years before the renovation. So there are many problems on the issues like parking, public facilities and outdoor public space. A nursing home is also in this community. This small-scale renovation project aims to establish a harmonious community for the residents and elderly people in the nursing home.


Photos before renovation


Photos after renovation

Project 8: public space of teacher’s apartment on Dacheng Xiang, Xinjiekou Neighborhood, Xicheng District-All ages friendly design

The teacher’s apartment was built in the 1980s, for about 400 households. The site for this renovation project is 3294 sq. meters. 

Before the renovation, the public space in this community was grim and hardly meet the requirements for residents' daily life. Its facilities was in poor condition as well. This place also needs to be improved for disadvantaged groups.

This project designed bulletin boards, a garbage collection station and renovated the old bike parking shed into an activity room. All the places are barrier-free now and friendly for people of all ages. The garbage collection station inspired residents’ awareness of waste classification.


Site of this project

Before the renovation, the public space in this community was grim and hardly meet the requirements for residents' daily life. Its facilities was in poor condition as well. This place also needs to be improved for disadvantaged groups. 

Photos before renovation

This project designed bulletin boards, a garbage collection station and renovated the old bike parking shed into an activity room. All the places are barrier-free now and friendly for people of all ages. The garbage collection station inspired residents' awareness of waste classification.


Photos after renovation


Translated by Jia Mengyuan