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China Unveils Development Plan for Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (Part 2)

2021-07-26 | Gov & Xinhua & China Daily

Aerial photo shows a vehicle running on the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge. [Xinhua]

Building a Global Competitive Modern Industrial System

The Outline Development Plan for the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area says, a globally competitive modern industrial system will be built to nurture new industries, new types and new models of businesses, and the development of a number of world-class industry clusters.

Efforts will be made to expedite the development of the advanced manufacturing industry, nurture and strengthen strategic emerging industries, expedite the development of modern service industries, and vigorously develop the marine economy.

In expediting the development of advanced manufacturing industry, three measures are stressed: enhancing the core competitiveness of manufacturing industry, optimizing the layout of the manufacturing industry, and expediting the structural adjustment of manufacturing industry. 

To achieve the goal of nurturing and strengthening strategic emerging industries, it is key to leverage the rich scientific research resources and solid foundations in new and hi-tech industries of core cities such as Hong Kong, Macao, Guangzhou and Shenzhen. State-level new areas, national innovation demonstration zones and national high-tech industrial development zones need to be fully leveraged as high-end production factors aggregated platforms. New pillar industries such as new-generation information technology, biotechnology and new materials, etc. should be developed, with support by a comprehensive production chain. 

To speed up the development of modern service industries, the plan calls for developing an international financial hub, developing special financial products and services, promoting mutual financial markets access, and developing a system of modern service industries. 

In order to vigorously develop the marine economy, land-sea coordination and scientific exploration should be strengthened among the cities of the Greater Bay Area. A modern marine industry system is appealed to optimize and upgrade industries such as marine fishery, sea transport and shipping. Hong Kong is supported in leveraging in innovation and research in foundation areas of the marine economy. On the other hands, Macao is supported in the industries such as marine tourism, marine technology and marine biology.

Taking Forward Ecological Conservation

The development plan vows to firmly establish and act on the belief that lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets, cherish the environment as we cherish our own lives, and implement the strictest possible systems for protecting the environment. 

It also promises to act on the principles of prioritizing resource conservation, environmental protection and letting nature restore itself, devote efforts to improving ecological and environmental quality, develop spatial layouts, industrial structures as well as ways of work and life that help conserve resources and protect the environment, and make the Greater Bay Area a place with bluer skies, greener mountains, clearer water and a better environment

Three aspects are stressed in the plan to put into practice green, low-carbon and circular development. In these regards, measures should be taken to establish ecological protection barriers, strengthen environmental protection and management, and adopt an innovative, green and low-carbon development model.

To put the ecological conservation into effect, conservation and restoration projects relating to ecosystems, ecological corridors and biodiversity protection networks should be implemented. Besides, cooperation in the management of water resources, air quality, waste and soil focusing on rectifying polluted areas and hazardous use need to be taken forward. Meanwhile, exploring the potential of reducing greenhouse gas emissions and adopting proactive measures to adapt climate change are also mentioned in the plan. 

Developing a Quality Living Circle for Living, Working and Traveling

The plan stresses upholding the philosophy of people-centered development, proactively expanding cooperation in the fields of education, culture, tourism and social security, and developing a quality living circle with excellent public services for living, working and travelling in the Greater Bay Area.

Efforts will be made to develop an education and talents hub, jointly develop a cultured Greater Bay Area, build a Bay Area for leisure, expanding the scope for employment and entrepreneurship, shape a heathy Bay Area, and foster cooperation in social security and social governance.

An education and talents hub can be delivered by promoting cooperation and development in education, especially in supporting higher education institutions from Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao in jointly operating education institutions, and encouraging the joint development of academic programs, laboratories and research centers. Moreover, a talent pool of high-end international talents will be developed.

The cultured Greater Bay Area will be developed in through these measures: shaping the Greater Bay Area’s cultural values, jointly promoting vibrant cultural development and the exchange and mutual learning between Chinese and other cultures, and strengthening exchanges among the youth of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macau.

For a healthy Bay Area, two tasks are necessary. First, stepping up cooperation in medical and healthcare services. Second, enhancing cooperation in food and edible agricultural product safety.

Cooperation in social security should be fostered to explore allowing Hong Kong and Macao residents who are working and living in Guangdong to enjoy the same treatment as that for Mainland residents in areas of livelihood including education, medical care, elderly care, housing and transport. Besides, cooperation in social governance need to be deepened to enhance the government’s service efficiency as well as the people’s sense of fulfilment. 

Strengthening Cooperation and Jointly Participating in the Belt and Road Initiative

Cooperation will intensify in the framework of the Belt and Road Initiative as China presses ahead with developing the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.

Efforts should be made to create a globally competitive business environment, increase the level of market integration, and jointly expand opening up, said the plan.

Cooperation among Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao should be deepened, the plan said, calling for efforts to improve investment and business environment in the nine Pearl River Delta cities and to raise the level of market integration in the Greater Bay Area.

For the target of creating a first-class business environment which is stable, fair, transparent and predictable, it is important to leverage the platform for opening up and the demonstrative functions of Hong Kong and Macao, support the nine Pearl River Delta cities in accelerating the establishment of systems and regulations that are in line with advanced international standards for investment and trade regulation. 

Market integration should be enhanced, urging works to promote investment facilitation, to promote trade liberalization, and to facilitate the flow of people and goods.

It also calls for joining hands to expand opening up which will provide solid support to the Belt and Road Initiative. That can be delivered by measures of developing an important support area for the pursuit of the Belt and Road Initiative, participating in international economic cooperation, and expanding international markets.

Jointly Developing Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Cooperation Platforms

China plans to accelerate the development of major platforms such as Qianhai of Shenzhen, Nansha of Guangzhou and Hengqin of Zhuhai, fully leverage the experimental and demonstration functions, expand the development potential of Hong Kong and Macau, promote collaboration in public services.

It is important to enhance the functions of the Shenzhen-Hong Kong modern service industry cooperation zone in Qianhai via to strengthen the role of Qianhai as an engine of cooperation and development, to enhance cooperation in legal matters, and to develop a new international city center.

The plan mentions to develop Nansha into a demonstration zone for comprehensive cooperation among Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macau in the following four aspects. Firstly, to join hands with Hong Kong and Macao to develop high-standard gateway for opening up. Secondly, to jointly develop a demonstration zone for innovation development. Thirdly, to develop a key financial service platform. Fourthly, to develop a quality living circle.

Besides, the plan also says to take forward the demonstration functions of Hengqin for in-depth cooperation. Efforts should be made to develop a demonstration zone of Hengqin into a high-standard international leisure and tourism island; to enhance cooperation in livelihood projects including elderly care, living, education and healthcare; to strengthen cooperation in opening up on supporting Hengqin and Macao in jointly developing the China-Latin America economic and trade cooperation platform, establish international trade channels between the Mainland and Belt and Road-related countries and regions.

It is also aims to jointly develop special cooperation platforms with Hong Hang and Macau to expand the scope for economic cooperation and archive complementarity and mutually beneficial cooperation. For instance, to support the development of the Hong Kong-Shenzhen Innovation and Technology Park in Lok Ma Chau Loop and the adjacent Shenzhen Innovation and Technology Zone, the Greater Guanghai Bay economic zone, the Yinhu Bay costal area of Jiangmen, the Dongguan Binhaiwan New District, the Nanhai of Foshan in various types of cooperation.

Implementation of the Plan

Regarding the implementation of the plan, it is necessary to strengthen organization and leadership, including enhancing coordination and guidance regarding the implementation of the plan, establishing the leading group for the development of the Greater Bay Area, and examining and resolving major issues that may arise during the course of the development of the area.

The plan says major tasks should be taken forward, urging relevant central ministries should concentrate on formulating concrete policies and measures in the context of their own responsibility, strengthen communication with the governments of the Area, and uphold the rule of law and market-based approach in coordinating and resolving issues that arise from the Greater Bay Area development. 

It is also emphasized the importance of preventing and mitigating major risks, especially the financial risk. And the plan calls for broader social participation via establishing an administrative advisory system and inviting professionals from Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao to offer advice on development of the Greater Bay Area. 

Source: & Xinhua & China Daily 

Edited and translated by Guo Xinxin