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From Dilapidated Village to New Youth Community: Shenzhen's "Yuanfen Path" of Urban Village Transformation (Part 2)

2024-07-12 | Guihuazhongguo



4) Rainbow Building: A New Home for Humanity and Friendship.

In order to change the face of Yuanfen Village, Weitang Community has transformed the environmental hygiene, sign elements, building reinforcement, etc. It has also created a new landmark for Netflix carding through rainbow roads, special cultural plazas and other innovative ways. Red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue, purple, colorful coats of buildings and walkways, like a rainbow lit up the monotonous streets and alleys. Bold and lively colors, literary and romantic atmosphere in this perfect blend. Walking here, looking at the eyes full of beautiful color, the mood is like eating a rainbow candy as sweet, a casual shot can be out of the "blockbuster".

In order to meet the youth's demand for pets, the Weitang Community has converted a building into a cat-themed building, equipped with various facilities suitable for cats and kittens, such as cat climbing poles and cat nests, and also installed ventilation ducts for the place where the cat's litter box is placed.

The community is active because of the youth, and the youth are colorful because of the community. The Shenzhen Communist Youth League has issued an article calling it "the first stop for young people coming to Shenzhen". As a gathering place for young people to live, Weitang New Youth Community has more than 24,000 tenants, with an average age of 26.1 years old, 86.5% of which are "post-90s", and many of them have experience of studying abroad, which makes them young, energetic and diversified. "After moving into the community, we will first conduct a questionnaire survey on the interests of the residents to help them find like-minded partners and form various interest clubs." The person in charge of the Weitang Community said that by inspiring the youth to build the community, 22 vibrant societies have been built in 2021, and the societies have organized about 400 activities on their own initiative throughout the year, covering more than 4,000 people. We are Shenzhen people, live in Weitang friends, and strive to be the "struggling young people"!

Cafeteria, coffee shop, study room, gym, audio-visual room, outdoor basketball court ...... There are all kinds of supporting spaces that meet the needs of young people. Whether it's during weekdays or weekends, life will never be a two-point-one-line at Weitang. By becoming a resident here, all the linked brands in the Weitang community can be enjoyed for free/discounted.

5) Exploring the "Weitang Model".

Starting in 2018, Weitang has experienced a metamorphosis from nothing to something, from small to big. As of May 2022, Weitang has laid out more than 40 urban villages in Shenzhen, operating nearly 500 buildings, with a floor area of more than 600,000 square meters, and more than 12,000 rooms opened, realizing an all-around layout of the brand; the cumulative number of tenants served is more than 25,000, and the satisfaction rate of the tenants is as high as 95%. Among them, Yuanfen Village is the first renovation and renewal site of Weitang.

According to coral data statistics, by the end of 2021, there were more than 100 brands of long-term rental apartments in Longhua District, among which Weitang New Youth Community has become the brand with the largest amount of tenants in Longhua with nearly 30% of the total number of listed properties in Longhua District.

The average price of a single room in Longhua District is 1,340 RMB/unit/month, which is only about half of the price of the same type of room in Futian Nanshan urban village, while the price of a single room in Weitang is very close to the average price in Longhua. Meanwhile, the rent of a single flat in Weitang is below the average of branded apartments in Longhua District, which is more "urban youth friendly".

49% of the tenants in Weitang have a rent-to-income ratio of less than 20%, while 95% of the tenants have a rent-to-income ratio of less than 30%. This not only relieves the pressure of renting for young people, but also provides a good foundation for Longhua to retain talents. Microtransition can give the new youth groups a comfortable and decent life, but also keep the cost of living to a low level, which depends on the policy subsidies on the one hand, and on the other hand, thanks to Microtransition's stable and long-lasting multi-revenue system.

It is understood that in order to encourage housing leasing enterprises to participate in the large-scale rental transformation of urban villages, Shenzhen City actively explores the inclusion of urban village transformation projects into the scope of the central government's special financial subsidies, giving a subsidy of 300 yuan per square meter. On this basis, if the project is recognized by the competent authorities as a pilot project for the large-scale rental renovation of urban villages and complies with the policy and standard guidelines formulated by the government, it will be granted an additional subsidy of RMB 300 per square meter.

Through the statistics of "Shenzhen's 2021 second batch of projects to be subsidized by the second phase of the central financial special funds for the development of the housing rental market" published on the official website of the Shenzhen Municipal Bureau of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, it is found that a total of 78 projects in Weitang have already been granted 18.6786 million yuan of pre-issued special funds.

In order to make the community sustainable, Weitang fully exploits the operational value of space, and continues to revitalize a large number of idle assets in urban villages through advertisement leasing, equipment placement and venue operation. At the same time, it creates a one-stop service platform for residents, forming diversified value-added service income by providing convenient online and offline living services. It also creates a characteristic composite commercial neighborhood to promote the commercial prosperity of the whole village.

It can be said that Weitang Community has broken the previous income model of a single rent source for long-stay apartments, formed diversified operation forms such as community leasing, property management, living services and commercial value-added services, and explored a set of sustainable urban village operation models with endogenous circulation power.

6) The conclusion.

The movement of young people to large cities has given rise to a strong demand for rental housing. Combining the new round of urban village renovation with the construction of guaranteed rental housing is an effective means of solving the housing problems of new citizens, young people and other groups. Yuanfen Weitang New Youth Community has pioneered the "Yuanfen" path of "government-led, community collaboration, enterprise operation", which provides a reference example for the renewal and transformation of urban villages into quality rental communities.

Today, the "Yuanfen" path has blossomed in Shenzhen. As of April 2023, it has been applied in 167 urban villages, involving 30,000 buildings and more than 30 million square meters of renovation space, providing a large number of new citizens and young people with affordable rental housing on a large scale. It has opened up a new way to revitalize the urban housing stock and solve the housing problems of new citizens.


Pet Residence. [Photo/Guihuazhongguo]


 Gym equipment. [Photo/Guihuazhongguo]

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Edited and Translated by Guan Tao