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Rural planning of Shanhai Waizao Village

2023-07-21 | Rural planning and construction


Introduction of the village

Shuoyuan Town's Waizao Village in Pudong New Area, Shanghai, is the fourth batch of rural revitalization demonstration villages in Shanghai. Situated in the outskirts of Nanhui New City, within the Linyang Green Core area, the village is closely connected to Linyang Avenue and Lianggang Avenue, covering an area of 421 hectares. Waizao Village has a registered population of 5,188 people, belonging to 2,300 households, with 4,815 residents permanently residing in the village. Additionally, there are around 1,200 migrant population. The significant outflow of registered residents reflects a decline in the village's vitality, and the large number of migrant populations only use the village as a temporary residence, failing to contribute more economic vitality apart from rent. As a result, the village collective has faced additional costs in terms of maintenance, construction, and security management.

The village houses in Waizao Village have a general architectural style with glazed roofs and small pointed tops. This overall appearance is similar to the surrounding villages, lacking distinct natural and architectural features unique to the area. The village still retains some elements of the red cultural heritage as it was once the location of the earliest CPC branch in the Shuyuan area. In addition, there is an abandoned navigation tower in the village, which attracts attention due to its unique design. Furthermore, the Waizao Memory Museum has been included in the special routes for Shanghai leisure agriculture and rural tourism (Lingang New Area). However, there are only three village houses turned into Bed and Breakfasts, indicating limited development of cultural tourism and other industries.

Planning concepts

Taking into consideration the surrounding environment and existing resource conditions, the overall development direction for Waizao Village is focused on the innovation and technology industry. The aim is to provide services and support to the development of surrounding towns and industrial parks, as well as to create a better entrepreneurial and living environment for enterprises and talents in the Lingang New Area.

The proposed overall concept includes four major leading industries and more than a dozen key industrial projects. The four major leading industries are agricultural innovation, research and development, business services, and cultural tourism and leisure. These industries are expected to drive the village's development and contribute to the growth of the surrounding area.

Key Projects and Implementation Results

Photos before and after the implementation of key projects: 


Science and Technology Innovation Park Project


Shuyuan Workshop


Renovation of Senior Care Center


Renovation of Navigation Tower 


Flower Farm


High-standard Farmland 

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Edited and translated by Jia Mengyuan