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Webinar held on ASEAN's Green Transition and BRI

2022-05-05 | BRI InteBrnational Green Development Coalition

On March 24th, 2022, a BRI International Green Development Coalition (BRIGC) hosted webinar themed 'ASEAN's Green and Low-Carbon Transition and BRI: 'Potentials and Opportunities' was held in Beijing. Mr. Guo Jing, President of the BRI Green Development Institute (BRIGDI), Ms. Zhang Jieqing, China Country Director of the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), and Mr. Zhang Xiaohua, China Country Director of the ClimateWorks Foundation (CWF) attended the webinar and delivered Keynote speeches. The opening session was moderated by Mr. Li Yonghong, Deputy Director General of Foreign Environmental Cooperation Center (FECO), Ministry of Ecology and Environment of P. R. China (MEE).

The webinar was supported by a collaborative project between BRIGC and NRDC, with the participation of over 20 experts from more than 10 Chinese and international organizations including the United Nations Environment Programme, ASEAN Centre for Energy, Institute for Climate and Sustainable Cities of the Philippines, Institute for Essential Services Reform of Indonesia, Financial Futures Center of the Philippines, Australian National University, Energy Research Institute of China Academy of Macroeconomic Research, China Electric Power Planning and Engineering Institute, Institutes of Science and Development of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Peking University, Sinosure, CICC Global Institute, Belt and Road Environmental Technology Exchange and Transfer Center (Shenzhen), China New Energy International Alliance, et al. Nearly 100 representatives from Chinese and international research institutions, enterprises and associations attended the webinar online.

During the webinar, key findings of the BRIGC-led report ASEAN's Green and Low-Carbon Transition and BRI - Potentials and Opportunities were introduced, followed by discussions on the opportunities, challenges and future pathways of cooperation between China and ASEAN Member States in renewable energy sector, as well as the role of green finance on regional green transition.

Participants spoke highly of BRIGC's work. They reached the consensus that continuous efforts are needed to carry out in-depth study on green transition at the national level of BRI countries, to establish an expert network on BRI green and low-carbon transition, and to actively promote dialogue and cooperation related to the regional green and low-carbon energy transition.
