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Mohan, Yunnan: The international port city is accelerating

2024-07-12 | Xinhua


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China Laos Mohan-Boten Economic Cooperation Zone (hereinafter referred to as the "Cooperation Zone") is located in the southernmost part of Yunnan Province. It is the key node of China-Laos Railway, Kunming-Bangkok International Corridor and Laos North-South Highway. It integrates the functions of international passenger transport, freight distribution and transit hub, and is an important interchange point for economic and trade exchanges and economic cooperation between China and ASEAN countries, with superior geographical and transportation.

In the first half of 2023, the total import and export trade of Mohan Port was 4.2332 million tons, an increase of 57.52%; The total volume of imports and exports was 23.413 billion yuan, up by 3.49% year-on-year; The number of inbound and outbound visitors reached 762,900, up 393.23 percent year-on-year.

The relevant person in charge of the Cooperation Zone introduced that at present, Mohan port has been able to carry out general trade, border small trade, border people trade, international express and other trade forms, cross-border e-commerce trade is promoting the construction of sites, and it is expected that business can be carried out by the end of this year.

Relying on the historical opportunity of the opening of China-Laos Railway and the full trustement of Mohan in Kunming, the preliminary draft of the planning of Mohan border Industrial Park has been completed in accordance with the actual development of Mohan, with a planned total area of 54.72 square kilometers in accordance with the layout of "one park and four areas". Focusing on the comprehensive advantages of Mohan's location, port, cross-border cooperation zone, policies and climate, the plan will focus on the development of international trade, processing and manufacturing, modern logistics and other industries, and coordinate the development of international finance, international tourism, education and healthcare.

Currently, the Cooperation Zone is fully utilizing the transportation location advantages, domestic and foreign two markets (resources), and policy synergy of the Mohan Port, strengthening the development of industry in Mohan, adhering to the principle of "top leader" investment promotion, to focus on the development of processing manufacturing, international trade, modern logistics, and healthcare industries. The investment promotion activities have been conducted in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, the Yangtze River Delta, and the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, with in-depth investment promotion negotiations with more than 80 enterprises. They have signed formal investment agreements with 26 enterprises, including Xiamen Tungsten Industry, China Tower, and China Railway Engineering Group.

Meanwhile, the Cooperation Zone is accelerating the construction of various key projects, vigorously promoting the construction of ongoing projects, and planning 119 key projects with a total investment of 91.83 billion yuan. Over 40 projects have already started construction. In addition, the Cooperation Zone has innovated the "management committee + company" development model and introduced China Railway Construction Corporation Limited to participate in the development and construction of Mohan, as well as Shanghai Lingang Economic and Social Development (Group) Co., Ltd. to participate in the development of Mohan's industries and the operation of industrial parks. The advantages of central-local cooperation and Shanghai-Yunnan cooperation have been effectively leveraged in Mohan, creating a demonstration effect.

The relevant person in charge of the Cooperation Zone said that the Cooperation Zone will rely on the development advantages in Mohan, develop strengths and avoid weaknesses, plan at a high level, comply with the law of urban and market development, play the role of a major channel, actively integrate into and serve the national strategy, and rapidly promote the construction of international port cities.

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Translated by Zhao Shengbo