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The Belt and Road Initiative Brings More Development Opportunities for Indonesian Youth

2024-06-11 | Xinhua


On January 24, Yu Sijun (first from the left) takes notes in the operations room of the Pinglu Aluminum Plant in Shanxi.

At 8:00 a.m. on June 2, Yu Sijun from Indonesia began his new day of internship at an aluminum plant in Pinglu County, Shanxi Province. A few months later, he will return to the Indonesia-China Integrated Industrial Park in West Kalimantan Province with the knowledge and experience he has gained in alumina production in China, and start his career as a grassroots administrator.

In recent years, China and Indonesia have been cooperating more closely in the fields of economic and cultural exchanges. The joint construction of the Belt and Road Initiative has engaged an increasing number of young people, like Yu Sijun, in related construction projects.

By the end of this year, the Indonesia-China Integrated Industrial Park (Jinjiang Park), invested by Hangzhou Jinjiang Group, will be gradually completed. The park, centered around an alumina manufacturing plant, will also include supporting facilities such as a power plant and a port.

"This industrial park, covering an area of 6.8 square kilometers, will create more than 1,000 local jobs and is expected to generate an annual tax revenue of 726 billion Indonesian rupiahs. We believe this will bring a new look to Ketapang County," said Hao Zhiyin, a Chinese manager at the aluminum plant.

Along with Yu Sijun, there are 60 Indonesian university graduates learning at the Pinglu aluminum plant in Shanxi. Last year, they underwent written tests and interviews organized by the company in Indonesia and stood out from hundreds of applicants. During their year in China, they will learn about alumina plant production operations, equipment maintenance, Chinese language, and other courses.

"After returning to my country, my starting salary will exceed 6 million Indonesian rupiahs, which makes my parents proud," said Yu Sijun. "I am very excited every day since coming to China. The workers and teachers are serious and responsible in their teaching, ensuring that we learn everything. Daily life is also very convenient; the company takes us shopping and on outings every week. The company has even set up a special halal dining area, which makes us feel very cared for."

In recent years, through the joint construction of the Belt and Road Initiative, China has brought mature technology, advanced experience, and sufficient capital to Indonesia, injecting new vitality and momentum into Indonesia's economic development. From power stations, roads and bridges, and dams to communications, China and Indonesia have cooperated to build a number of high-quality infrastructure connectivity projects. Notably, the Jakarta-Bandung high-speed railway is a benchmark project for high-quality development in the joint construction of the Belt and Road Initiative between China and Indonesia.

Both sides fully support each other's national development visions and goals in their cooperation. In the joint statement on deepening comprehensive strategic cooperation issued by the two countries last October, China expressed its support for Indonesia's "Golden Indonesia 2045" vision. This means that the two countries will continue to carry out long-term, pragmatic, comprehensive, and in-depth strategic cooperation in the future.

"We have witnessed that the cooperation between the two sides has already brought tangible results, changing the destinies of many people. We hope that the two countries will further deepen cooperation, allowing more people to gain opportunities and enjoy the benefits," said 27-year-old Yu Sijun.

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Edited and Translated by Li Wei