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The Eastern Industrial Zone contributes to the industrialization of the

2024-04-09 | YIDAIYILU.GOV.CN | By Zhou Chuyun,Liu Fangqiang

In the East Industrial Zone (EIZ), about 50 kilometers southeast of the Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa, a busy scene of trucks shuttle back and forth.


Aerial photo taken on Nov 3, 2023 shows the East Industrial Zone in the city of Dukem, Ethiopia. [Photo by Xinhua/EIZ]

This industrial park invested by a Chinese private enterprise has opened a new chapter in promoting Ethiopia's industrial development with the Chinese industrial park model. Located in the city of Dukem, the EIZ began its large-scale development and investment attraction in 2008, and officially became a national-level overseas economic and trade cooperation zone in April 2015.

"This is the first industrial park in Ethiopia," Mr. Lu Qizhong, Director of the EIZ, said proudly.

Workers take a break from work at the EIZ in Dukem, Ethiopia, February 16, 2024. [Photo by Li Yahui from Xinhua News Agency]

Known as the "Roof of Africa", Ethiopia has rich labor resources, hydropower resources and a broad market, providing good conditions for the development of manufacturing. However, the early construction and investment of the park face many difficulties. The park management specially invited Ethiopian government officials to visit a number of mature industrial parks in China, and eventually won their support.

"Ethiopian officials said that they were greatly inspired by the investigations and visits and had a preliminary understanding of the industrial park. After they returned to Ethiopia, they gave a lot of support to the development of our park." "Lu recalled.

Photo taken on Feb 16, 2024 shows the EIZ in Dukem, Ethiopia. [Photo by Li Yahui from Xinhua News Agency]

The Ethiopian government established the Industrial Parks Development Corporation (IPDC) in 2014, which is committed to developing the manufacturing industry through industrial parks, accelerating the country's industrialization process and economic transformation. In 2015, the Ethiopian government took the construction and development process of the EIZ as a reference and issued relevant documents to regulate the construction and operation of industrial parks in the country.

"The Chinese government and enterprises have played an important role at every stage, from policy-making to the construction and operation of the industrial parks." Sandokan Debebe, Director of the Special Office of the Ethiopian Prime Minister and former CEO of the IPDC, said in an interview that China's participation is of great significance to the development of industrial parks in Ethiopia.

Photo taken on Feb 16, 2024 shows the EIZ in Dukem, Ethiopia. [Photo by Li Yahui from Xinhua News Agency]

After years of development, there are currently 149 enterprises in the EIZ, covering the industries of building materials, steel, automobile assembly and metal processing, with a cumulative output value of 2.1 billion US dollars, making important contributions to meeting the domestic market demand of Ethiopia, increasing foreign exchange earnings, and creating about 23,000 local jobs.
Getu Kebebe, manager of Eastern Textile Printing and Dyeing Co., LTD., is one of the witnesses of the rapid development of the park. In the past six years, he has been promoted from grass-roots worker to management position step by step, and he is full of confidence and expectation for the development of the park.

Photo taken on November 3, 2023 shows the gate of the EIZ in Dukem, Ethiopia. Xinhua News Agency (Photo provided by EIZ)

"Chinese enterprises have not only created more job opportunities for local people, but also imparted advanced technologies and business development models." Getu says the park has also helped develop surrounding areas, and his city of Dukem has become more prosperous with new roads and schools.

According to Li Jianrong, Director of Eastern Textile Printing and Dyeing Co., LTD., when the factory was first established, about 80 Chinese technical workers were sent from China, and only about 40 remained. "We have trained Ethiopian employees and now employ more than 600 local workers in the factory."

Photo taken on November 3, 2023 shows the EIZ in Dukem, Ethiopia. Xinhua News Agency (Photo provided by EIZ)

Sandokan said that Chinese enterprises have played an important role in helping build Ethiopia's industrial system to train talents. "The Ethiopian government hopes to further strengthen cooperation with China, tap the potential of industrial development and promote the country's economic transformation." (Participating reporter: Li Yahui, Dai He)


Workers take a break from work at the EIZ in Dukem, Ethiopia, February 16, 2024. [Photo by Li Yahui from Xinhua News Agency]


Workers work in a workshop of Eastern Textile Printing and Dyeing Co., Ltd. at the EIZ in Dukem, Ethiopia, Feb 16, 2024. [Photo by Li Yahui from Xinhua News Agency]

Photo taken on October 31, 2023 shows the EIZ in Dukem, Ethiopia. Xinhua News Agency (Photo provided by EIZ)

Getu Kebebe, manager of Eastern Textile Printing and Dyeing Co., Ltd. was interviewed by Xinhua News Agency at the EIZ in Dukem, Ethiopia, Feb 16, 2024. [Photo by Li Yahui from Xinhua News Agency]

Author:Zhou Chuyun,Liu Fangqiang

Source: <>
Translated by Zhao Shengbo