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The "Two Parks" Story behind A Pack of Shrimp

2023-10-20 | Xinhua


On August 29, in Semarang City, Central Java Province, Indonesia, workers worked on the shrimp processing production line of the Indonesian company of Fujian Miaotianhui Food Co., Ltd.

In the Pemarang District, Semarang City, Central Java Province, Indonesia, in the Penaeus vannamei farm covering an area of about 70,000 square meters, the oxygen generator works continuously, and the shrimp larvae in the pond are already one and a half months old.

According to the plan, after the shrimps are raised for four months, they will be fished out and put into cartons filled with ice cubes, and sent to the processing plant in Semarang for rough processing such as cleaning, shelling, freezing and packaging. And finally, shipping to Fuzhou, Fujian, China.

The person in charge of the farm, 66-year-old Indonesian Joni Setiawan, has nearly 40 years of experience in shrimp farming. Starting in 2021, he cooperated with the subsidiary of Fujian Miaotianhui Food Co., Ltd. in Indonesia to raise shrimp.

"I used to raise shrimps in three ponds. Now I manage two farms with a total of 70 ponds. My monthly income has increased several times and is very stable." Setiawan told reporters that in the past year and a half, he has supplied a total of about 1,200 tons of vannamei shrimp. The "hand in hand" industrial chain achieves "win-win", benefiting from the construction of "Two Countries and Two Parks" policy between China and Indonesia.

"Two Countries and Two Parks" refers to a new type of cooperation in which two sovereign countries set up parks in each other's territory and develop jointly. Zhou Qingning, staff of the Fuzhou New District Yuanhong Functional Zone Management Committee, introduced that the China-Indonesia “Two Parks” project is based on the Yuanhong Investment Zone in Fuzhou, Fujian and the Bintan Industrial Park in Indonesia to explore the establishment of a “Two-Park ”cooperation mechanism with industrial interconnection, facility interoperability, and policy reciprocity. In January 2021, representatives of the two governments officially signed a memorandum of cooperation on the China-Indonesia "Two-Park" project. At present, the Chinese park has formed 45 economic and trade cooperation projects of various types, including 27 investment projects with a total investment of 55.4 billion yuan and 18 trade projects.

The "Two Countries and Two Parks" policy has brought tangible benefits to enterprises. Enterprises settled in the park can go abroad conveniently. Many approval matters can be handled by the park. They can take the "fast channel" during the customs clearance process. Customs clearance can take only 3 days at the fastest, saving a lot of time for enterprises.

In September 2022, China-Indonesia ‘Two Countries and Two Parks’ Industrial Cooperation Plan” was released, and marine fishery was included in the plan as one of the five transnational cooperation industrial chains. In Yuanhong Functional Zone, more and more fishery companies are “going to sea (going abroad)”. Zhuang Ruishun, researcher of the Fuzhou New District Yuanhong Functional Zone Management Committee, said that China and Indonesia's “Two Parks” initiative has helped more and more companies explore the deep integration of industrial chains, supply chains, and value chains through the establishment of industrial parks in each other's countries.

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