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These Sino-foreign cooperation projects make the earth a better place

2023-07-28 | Belt and Road Portal

From the Friendship Square in Addis Ababa,the capital of Ethiopia, to the Chinese electric buses on the streets of Cyprus, from the Dzilam de Bravo Reserve in Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula, to the world's southernmost hydropower station in Argentina... With the active participation of Chinese enterprises, one green development project after another has landed overseas, boosting local green and low-carbon development, bringing the dreams of local people into reality, and contributing Chinese wisdom and Chinese solutions to building a clean and beautiful world.

The Beauty Project adorns the city

Near the Ethiopian Prime Minister's office in Addis Ababa, the once overgrown, sewered wasteland has been transformed into one of Africa's most functional and largest urban complexes - Friendship Square.

Friendship Square is part of the Addis Ababa Riverbank Green Development Project, built by Chinese companies. The project integrates landscape, architecture, municipal, road, water conservancy and garden. Currently, the construction of river regulation section of the second phase project is under way.


Photo taken on June 1, 2023 shows the Friendship Square in Addis Ababa, capital of Ethiopia. [Photo by Wang Ping/Xinhua News Agency]

Wei Qiangyu, general manager of the Ethiopian office of CCCC First Highway Engineering Group Co., Ltd., said that the riverbank green development project attracts people through the management of the urban environment, and then develops tourism to drive the economy towards a green and sustainable development road.

Today, the hyperboloid national flower podium is located in Friendship Square, surrounded by stringlike green belt flower beds, musical fountains and artificial lakes... Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed has repeatedly promoted this "beautiful project" at home and abroad.

Electric buses contribute green travel

Five Chinese-made electric buses were unveiled in Nicosia, the capital of Cyprus, earlier this month, and are scheduled to be put into the public transport system in Nicosia and Larnaca, a city in southern Cyprus, in the near future to help local residents travel green.

The electric buses ordered by Cyprus Bus Company are produced by China Yutong Bus Co., LTD. Cypriot Transport Minister Alexis Vafeades praised the electric vehicles as being not only of good quality, comfortable to ride, environmentally friendly, but also equipped with disabled amenities. He said its introduction into the city bus system is a step towards Cyprus' goal of zero emissions by 2050, with more electric buses to be ordered in the future.


Chinese-made electric buses in Cyprus

Cyprus Bus company business development manager Alexandros Camberos said that the choice of Yutong bus is to see the excellent quality of Chinese electric vehicles, cost-effective and delivery speed.

AI technology collaborates to protect mangroves

In Dzilam, a small city on Mexico's southeastern Yucatan Peninsula, resident Omelia Trejo and her family have one wish - to preserve the rich species left behind by their ancestors. According to the Yucatan state government website, the Dzilam de Bravo Reserve is home to more than 590 species of plants and animals, including dozens of endangered and highly protected species. 

In May this year, the Yucatan state government, China's Huawei and the International Union for Conservation of Nature jointly announced in the state capital, Merida, the launch of artificial intelligence technology cooperation projects to strengthen the conservation of local mangrove biodiversity. The project is called "Tech4Nature Technology protects Nature".

"Now our dream has come true!" "This project protects our homes, it protects habitats and endangered animals," Trejo said excitedly.


Omelia Trejo at the Dzilam de Bravo Reserve

Wu Xiaoliang, director of Huawei's Mexico subsidiary, said that the plan uses technology integration solutions and open cooperation platforms to help local governments and expert teams optimize decisions, provide models and data to promote research on relevant topics, and contribute more social value to innovative ways of nature conservation in Mexico.

The governor of Yucatan, Mauricio Billa, said the plan would help to monitor and protect species in the nature reserve, thereby enhancing the international status of the mangrove reserve.

Hydropower station carries energy dream

This hydropower station, located in the southernmost part of the world, carries the dream of Argentines for more than half a century and interprets the connotation of the "Belt and Road" cooperation.

The construction site of the "Kisai" hydropower project is busy, with more than 100 large machinery and equipment shuttling through it. Thousands of local employees and hundreds of Chinese personnel are steadily promoting the progress of the project. After the completion of the hydropower station, the annual electricity generation is expected to reach 4.95 billion KWH, which can meet the daily electricity consumption of 1.5 million Argentine households, and even export to neighboring countries. At the same time, it will save Argentina nearly $1.1 billion a year in oil and gas imports.


Photo taken on August 26, 2021 shows the construction site of the "Kisai" hydropower project in Argentina (drone photo). Xinhua News Agency

(China Energy Construction Gezhouba Group Argentina "Kisai" hydropower station project Department provided)

More than 100 kilometers away from the project site is Moreno Glacier, and protecting the surrounding ecological environment has become an important topic in the design and implementation of the project. With rich experience and advanced technology, Chinese engineers have made design arrangements in environmental and ecological protection, building safety and other aspects to reduce the impact of project construction on the local ecological environment.

According to reports, to avoid affecting the Moreno Glacier, the dam water storage height was reduced by 2.4 meters than the original plan. At the same time, the hydropower station also designed fishway, ecological water discharge bottom hole, etc., to meet the requirements of environmental protection.

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Translated by Zhao Shengbo