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The UNIDO and the Shanghai National Accounting Institute jointly organized the Industrial Park Leadership Training Programme for the Asia-Pacific Region

2023-07-28 | UNIDO

July 10 to 14, 2023, the "Industrial Park Leadership Training Programme for the Asia-Pacific Region", organized by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) in cooperation with the Shanghai National Accounting Institute (Asia-Pacific Finance and Development Institute), was held in Shanghai, China. The face-to-face training brought together professionals and policy makers from developing countries in the Asia-Pacific region to exchange innovative ideas, share best practices and accumulate valuable experience in industrial park planning, development and management.

Twenty-nine medium and senior government officials from eight countries - the Philippines, Cambodia, Laos, Bangladesh, Mongolia, Solomon Islands, Thailand and Indonesia - engaged in the development of industrial parks and special economic zones were invited to actively participate in the event.


Source: United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)

On the morning of the 10th, Mr. Li Yong, former Director-General of UNIDO, attended the opening ceremony of the event as a special guest and delivered a speech. On behalf of the organizers, President Lu Wenbin of the Shanghai National Accounting Institute (Asia-Pacific Finance and Development Institute) and Mr. Dejene Tezera, Director of Department of Agri-Business of UNIDO, jointly announced the launch of the training and delivered welcoming remarks. In their speeches, they fully affirmed the positive significance and impact of the event, stressed the significant impact of industrial parks on the sustainable industrial development and economic growth of countries, especially countries in the Asia-Pacific region, and encouraged participants to carry out exchanges and dialogues, expand professional networks and establish long-term partnerships.

A team of international experts from the Chinese Academy of International Trade and Economic Cooperation, the Chinese Academy of Environmental Sciences, the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, the Green Development Alliance of National Economic and Technological Development Zones, the University of Copenhagen, Southeast University, UNIDO, well-known domestic parks and science and technology enterprises shared advanced experience in park development with participants and conducted in-depth thematic discussions. It covers many fields such as park planning, investment promotion, scientific and technological innovation, environmental protection, circular economy, urbanization and regional value chain. Field visits and discussions will also provide participants with an intuitive and in-depth understanding of the development and construction of the park.




In recent years, with the support of Government of China, UNIDO has issuedthe International Guidelines for Industrial Parks, conducted studies of park by categories and countries, and made efforts to implement projects such as the Sustainable Development Platform for Industrial Parks. The training, which was also funded by the Government of China, was a concrete manifestation of the joint efforts of UNIDO and Government of China to promote the sustainable development of industrial parks in developing countries and capacity building through South-South cooperation.

UNIDO would like to express its sincere gratitude to the Government of China, its partner, the Shanghai National Accounting Institute (Asia-Pacific Finance and Development Institute), all training experts and participants for their contributions and support to the Training Programme. UNIDO will carry out similar capacity-building activities with partners for countries in different regions and continue to support member States in developing industrial parks and special economic zones for inclusive and sustainable industrialization. 

Source: <>

Translated by Zhao Shengbo