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Guideline Released to Promote the Shaping of Child-Friendly Cities (Part 3)

2023-02-20 | & China Daily

 Students discuss making posters on being thrifty and recycling during an extracurricular activity in Qingdao, Shandong province. [China Daily/ Wang Haibin]

5. Child-friendly Renovation of Parks and Green Spaces.

Parks and green spaces are important places for children's outdoor leisure activities.

Differentiated and child-friendly renovation should be carried out for urban countryside parks, comprehensive parks, special parks, community parks, pocket parks, squares, etc. that have a high frequency of use by children, to ensure their right to play and provide them with a safe green public space.

5.1 Countryside parks.

Advance the child-friendly renovation of countryside parks, increase children's recreational facilities, and create a natural and interesting space. Countryside parks in mountainous areas should be combined with terrain shaping, natural sightseeing, and mountain exploration for children's leisure spaces; countryside parks in waterfront wetland areas should be created for children's leisure spaces such as water-friendly tours and water culture experiences; countryside parks in agricultural fields should be built for children's leisure spaces such as agricultural field sightseeing and farming experiences. The existing park trails should be renovated with different themes such as nature education, ecological experience, and sports and fitness. Promote the construction of "natural camps," and set up a natural science popularization center if conditions permit.

5.2 Comprehensive parks, special parks and squares.

Promote the child-friendly transformation of existing urban comprehensive parks, special parks, squares, and other public spaces, priority should be given to increasing children's play and sports venues, and it is appropriate to consider the building of weather-resistant sports venues. Children's playgrounds can be set up with natural or cultural themes and equipped with creative play facilities, which can be combined with science popularization facilities to create an educational and fun experience for them. Public spaces should be designed with the consideration of children's behaviors, caregivers' needs, and multi-scale, compatible resting and service facilities.

5.3 Community parks, playgrounds and pocket parks.

Promote the child-friendly renovation of community parks, playgrounds, and pocket parks to provide friendly and convenient spaces and venues for children to play, communicate, and explore nature, and to facilitate children's nearby outdoor activities. It is advisable to adopt a natural design and add various children's activity venues for play, sports and rest. According to children's main travel routes, additional children's activity venues should be provided in conjunction with the affiliated green spaces of various children's public service facilities, and play facilities and sports facilities can be set up by age. Necessary rain and sun shelters should be considered around the main areas of children's activities. Use idle community space and existing green spaces to build "agricultural experience corners" and "mini vegetable gardens" to provide children with a place for getting close to nature and plant recognition. Within the framework of ensuring regulations and safety, graffiti beautification and other activities can be carried out on the walls of blocks and idle spaces in the communities.

6. Construction of Extracurricular Activity Venues

The extracurricular activity venues aim to strengthen children's moral and ethical education and improve their comprehensive quality and practical ability. Facilities should be equipped with relevant equipment and provide professional services for children to engage in activities such as labor education, nature education, art education, science and technology experience, extracurricular practices, and quality development outside of school hours. The venues can be divided into comprehensive extracurricular activity venues and special extracurricular activity venues.

6.1 Construction objectives.

Ensure that all types of extracurricular activity venues are available. Build several comprehensive extracurricular activity venues. Cities with conditions can build comprehensive extracurricular activity camps to form a network of extracurricular activity venues with the camps as the hubs and special venues as stations. The construction of extracurricular activity venues should be integrated with the renovation of existing public service facilities and open spaces to make them child-friendly.

6.2 Physical work education venues.

Physical work education venues are places that provide facilities and space for children to engage in daily life physical work, productive physical work, and service-oriented physical work and include education practice schools, comprehensive practice bases, productive practice bases, and service-oriented practice bases. A number of physical work education practice schools should be built in combination with elementary and secondary schools and vocational schools. Comprehensive practice bases should be built at different levels in cities, neighborhoods and communities. Productive practice bases should be built jointly with enterprises and scientific research institutions for children to learn agricultural and traditional craft skills. Service-oriented labor practice bases should be built by utilizing welfare institutions, hospitals, museums, science and technology museums, libraries, social organizations, and public places.

6.3 Nature education venues.

Nature education venues are places that rely on natural ecological resources to guide children to get close to nature, understand nature, and learn about nature, with the aim of promoting the value and behavior of respecting, adapting to, and protecting nature. The city should build a nature education experience base and several community-level nature education experience stations. All kinds of nature reserves should build nature education areas open to children without affecting their resource protection and scientific research tasks. Natural education venues should equip resource protection facilities and science education facilities.

6.4 Aesthetic education venues.

Aesthetic Education venues are places where children are trained to recognize, experience, feel, appreciate, and create beauty and enrich their emotional and spiritual experiences through literature, music, painting, drama, movie, dance, and other forms of expression. The aesthetic education bases should be built on the resources of theaters, concert halls, art galleries, exhibition halls, museums, historical cultural heritage, etc. in the city. And acousto-optics technology should be introduced to the aesthetic education bases with the adoption of various forms of expression suitable for children's understanding, such as audio, video, images, physical objects, and landscapes.

6.5 Science and technology experience venues.

Science and technology experience venues are various places that help children aware of the essence of science, improve their scientific literacy, cultivate their ability to explore science and promote science and technology application education through interactive experiences. Cities should build children's science and technology experience bases. And independent spaces for children's popularization of science and technology should be set combined with their needs in the existing resources.

6.6 Extracurricular practice venues.

Extracurricular practical venues are all types of places for consolidating and deepening the effects of classroom teaching, fostering children's noble sentiments, and carrying out ideological and moral education. They generally include patriotic education bases, traditional culture education bases, national defense education bases, legal education bases, ecological conservation publicity venues, etc. Patriotic education bases can be built by using revolutionary sites and monuments, publicity and education bases for the theory of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and education bases for the core socialist values. Traditional culture education bases can be built by using priority protected sites, historical buildings, famous historical and cultural towns and villages, neighborhoods, historical areas, and intangible cultural heritage study places. National defense education bases can be built by using martyr cemeteries and military training grounds. Legal education bases can be built by using the National People's Congress legislature and courts, prosecutors, public security, justice, and other political and legal departments. Ecological conservation publicity venues can be built by using environmental protection facilities, and buildings for ecological conservation education should be constructed as well.

6.7 Quality development venues.

Quality development venues are places for improving children's physical fitness, survival skills, psychology, personality, teamwork, etc. through sports and training. Cities should build children's quality development places by fully utilizing resources such as urban sports venues, outdoor children's activity venues, outdoor quality development bases, natural campsites, forest parks, tourist attractions, and rural parks. Quality development bases should be equipped with supporting service facilities that are made of durable, green, and environmentally friendly materials for different ages. Clear Safety notices and warning signs should be set up for the use of facilities, and safety operation regulations and the on-site monitoring management system should be established. Safety protection facilities should be provided at quality development bases. Large-scale and independent quality development bases should be located in environmental safety and open spaces.

6.8 Comprehensive extracurricular activity venues.

Comprehensive extracurricular activity venues refer to all kinds of places that meet the needs of children's quality education and can effectively integrate theoretical research, practical activities, interest cultivation, teacher training, etc. The venues should be safe, child-friendly, and convenient for getting close to nature. Educational facilities and spaces should be arranged with supporting facilities and humanistic care services offered.


Edited and translated by Guo Xinxin