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UPSC released the "Guidelines for China's overseas industrial park planning"

2023-11-27 | js.Xinhuanet.com

Recently, the Urban Planning Society of China (UPCS) released the"Guidelines for China's overseas industrial park planning" at the "The 2023 Conference on Development Zone Transformation and City Innovation" held in Nanjing, China. This is also an early standardized document for the construction of overseas industrial parks in China's planning field.


This guideline, drafted by Southeast University, emphasizes the basic principles of reflecting the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the development concept of the Community of Human Destiny, the implementation of The Belt and Road Initiative, and the compatibility with the laws and regulations of the host countries (regions). The guideline recommends that the industrial park's development should be positioned with the objectives of stabilizing and optimizing the global industrial chain and supply chain, promoting cooperation between China and the host country (region), and driving the economic and social development and ecological environment improvement of the host country (region).

According to Wang Xingping, Director of International Cooperation Center for the Development and Planning of Sustainable Industrial Parks of Southeast University, the preparation of the guideline was based on a large number of domestic and overseas research and took three years. The guideline makes reference to excellent research results both domestically and internationally, and widely solicits opinions from all sectors of society. The guidelines have been gradually applied to relevant overseas programs while they are being compiled. With the continuous improvement of the guide, it will be promoted to the international level in the future...

"The 2023 Conference on Development Zone Transformation and City Innovation" was co-organized by UPCS and Southeast University. Representatives from UN-Habitat, UNESCO and other international organizations, world-renowned universities, universities and institutions in the "Belt and Road" countries, as well as experts and scholars in China's planning industry, carried out interdisciplinary, cross-industry and cross-country academic exchanges and practical case sharing on the innovative development of cities and development zones. Experts and scholars from UN-Habitat, UNESCO and other international organizations, world-renowned universities, "Belt and Road" countries, together with Chinese planning experts, carried out interdisciplinary, inter-industry and cross-country academic exchanges and practice case sharing on the innovative development of cities and development zones.


Experts at the conference believe that since the "Belt and Road" initiative was put forward in 2013, the development of China's overseas industrial parks has continued to speed up and improve quality. According to statistics, by the end of 2022, China has 125 overseas Economic and Trade Cooperation Zones (ETCZs), of which 112 are located in the "Belt and Road" countries. Chinese enterprises have invested a total of 571.3 billion U.S. dollars in the overseas ETCZs built in the co-constructed countries, creating 420,000 local jobs. This is of positive significance to the implementation of the SDGs, the promotion of industrial upgrading in the jointly-constructed countries and the high-quality development of the Belt and Road Initiative.


Source: <https://h.xinhuaxmt.com/vh512/share/11776418?d=134b3d1&channel>

Translated by Chen Xiao